Category "performance"

Zabbix Performance tunning (with Proxies)

We setup a distributed monitoring cluster with one Zabbix (3.4.7) Server and 8 Proxies: Zabbix: OS: Debian Stretch CPU: 16*2.27GHz RAM: 48GB Disk: Raid1 10K (No

Why does Javascript `` return an object?

Help! I'm learning to love Javascript after programming in C# for quite a while but I'm stuck learning to love the iterable protocol! Why did Javascript adopt

Is there a faster way of using NOT LIKE for a long list of search terms instead of {AND "Column" NOT LIKE '%word1%'} etc, in an SQL Query?

So I'm trying to exclude a bunch of different entries with specific words from my query and I was wondering if there was a more efficient/faster way of doing th

Find Top-K Smallest Values So Far in Data Stream

Let's say that I have a data stream where single data point is retrieved at a time: import numpy as np def next_data_point(): """ Mock a data stream. Da

Can I measure my users' internet speed in my react web app?

I built a small react web app and I'm noticing that some users are dropping off constantly. I know that appears to measure web speed by having the cli

Query-selecting elements from multiple elements, efficiently

Say you have an array of elements and you want to get all the <p> belonging to the elements in the array. I can see two possibilities: Run Element.querySe

clicker game various images

I am making a ui for clicker game and its supposed to change images on certain values that the price and popularity are at but the images seem to be stacking on

Determine Android device performance programmatically

I want to run different lines of code for android devices with different performance. For example something like this: if (isHighPerformanceDevice()) { // r

Is the compile time affect the app when deploying it?

I'm curious to understand a phrase such as "At compile time however, x language is measurably slower than y language*". Does this mean compile time difference w

How to fix React Apex Chart initial mount delay?

I am using React Apex chart library in my project.I've figured that the library charts have a small delay before rendering on initial mount. This issue harms th

Matching edge in Neo4j Cypher is really slow

I have a database with 500K nodes and 700K relationships. I created 500 additional relationships with a new typeDummyEdge with edge_id attributes from "1" to "5

How to speed up Tensorflow 2 keras model for inference?

So there's a big update nowadays, moving from TensorFlow 1.X to 2.X. In TF 1.X I got use to a pipeline which helped me to push my keras model to production. Th

Java code static analysis to find whether the code contains a HTTP call?

I am working on a very complex java web project with about hundreds of developers and intend to improve the performance of this monolitic. What I am trying to d

Apache performance tuning for high traffic with MPM Event

I currently manage the following set of servers that serve about 700 web pages: SERVER 1 (WEB) Web server: Apache 2.4.29 with MPM Event PHP 7.2.22 CPU: Intel

Expo build:web builds huge bundle and slow website with bad performance

The bundle size produced by expo build:web is huge at average 3mb. I completed steps at My app has no images so no

How should I implement the init method? In a stateful or stateless widget?

What is the rule of thumb to use an initial method for a widget. Shall I use the: A. classical stateful widget approach? Or is it better to stick with the B. s

Jenkins pipeline library build using Java instead of Groovy

I would like to write my company Jenkins Pipeline Library using Java not Groovy, as groovy is slower than Java. I tried to find examples of such Java Jenkins li

slow performance of outlook addin to get contact item for distribution list

I have the following code it takes lot of time to retrieve contact items from the distribution list, exchange server. Is there anything can be done to tune it s

Performance issue with upgrade of spring boot

We upgraded an spring boot app from 2.0.0.RELEASE to 2.5.5. We use spring integration with queues persisted in Postgresql. We expose API. The embedded server is

Why does python multiprocessing script slow down after a while?

I read an old question Why does this python multiprocessing script slow down after a while? and many others before posting this one. They do not answer the prob