Category "persistence"

Springboot upgrade from 1.x to 2.3.x MySQL performance issue

Trying to upgrade Springboot from 1.x/java8 to 2.3.x/java 11(AWS Corretto 11) MySQL: Aurora Connectionpool: tomcat datasource Issue: with the upgraded versio

How to properly pickle sklearn pipeline when using custom transformer

I am trying to pickle a sklearn machine-learning model, and load it in another project. The model is wrapped in pipeline that does feature encoding, scaling etc

NATS JetStream is Timing out when calling stream_info(STREAM_NAME)

raise errors.TimeoutError nats.errors.TimeoutError: nats: timeout if"NATS client successfully connected to {SERVERS

Reasons for and against objects handling their own persistence [closed]

I am looking at different options for persistence modelling in Windows Phone using Isolated Storage. One of the ideas I have come up with was

Schema Validation Error for custom queryable states using `UUID` as a column

I have defined a custom QueryableState whose persistent counterpart is defined by the code below @Entity @Table(name = "contract_course_class_state") data class

Schema Validation Error for custom queryable states using `UUID` as a column

I have defined a custom QueryableState whose persistent counterpart is defined by the code below @Entity @Table(name = "contract_course_class_state") data class