Category "phpstan"

PHPStan Extension: Dynamic Return Types with Value Objects

Some libraries (like Doctrine) use simple stringable value-objects, like Func: <?php class Func { protected $name; protected $arguments; public func

PHP Laminas PHPStan - Call to an undefined method Laminas\Stdlib\RequestInterface::isPost()

We are running phpstan on a laminas project and running into errors. As an example, in the controller we have some standard code which works fine. $request = $

PHPStan Extension: Dynamic Return Types and a Variadic Function Parameter

Since PHPStan 1.6, it's possible to use Conditional Return Types, where I've been able to do things like: /** * @param string $x * @return ($x is literal-stri

PHP, Static Analysis, and Recursive Type Checking

I'm looking at a Database ORM that uses an array to define the WHERE clause, e.g. $articles->find('all', [ 'OR' => [ 'category_id IS NULL',