Category "phpstorm"

NextJS and NextAuth session user object getting lost due to [...nextauth.ts] getting triggered to be recompiled

I am learning NextJS and NextAuth and have implemented a Credentials sign in with my own login page and it is working where the session object contains my user

How to tell PhpStorm that function argument is file path

In PhpStorm (and other JetBrains IDE), is it possible to make function attributes as file / resource path? E.g. in this function: function mix($file): string {

Unable to negotiate with __IP_ADDRESS_ port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

While using git clone in PhpStorm, I got an error message: Clone failed Unable to negotiate with IP ADDRESS port 22: no matching host key type found. Thei

Unable to negotiate with __IP_ADDRESS_ port 22: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

While using git clone in PhpStorm, I got an error message: Clone failed Unable to negotiate with IP ADDRESS port 22: no matching host key type found. Thei

PhpStorm cannot find vendor/autoload.php on Docker WSL when running PHPUnit

My current setup is: PhpStorm, Docker WSL, Ubuntu (WSL). All my project files are local and inside WSL Ubuntu. Docker Container and CLI Interpreters are set up

Edit file from Sourcetree in PhpStorm

In Sourcetree you can right click a file (from current commit / branch) to edit, it then opens a window where a script target can be entered. What to fill in th

How to set the default scope when I make search?

How can I set the default Scope when I make a search in the project with CTRL+SHIFT+F keys in my PhpStorm 2021?

Is it safe to remove old .PhpStorm directories

Each time I upgrade PhpStorm to a new point release I'm left with the previous version in my home directory. I now have directories for PhpStorm2017.1, PhpStorm

PhpStorm and PSR-12, how can I add it as default coding style?

PSR-12 is an extension of PSR-2, and therefore also an extension of PSR-1. The basis of PSR-12 is PSR-2 and therefore a list of differences is provided b

How can I make PHPStorm auto-import namespaces in use statements?

I have checked the box for "Enable auto-import in namespace scope" in preferences, however when I select a class from the autocomplete, the FQN remains rather t

Navigate to SASS class instead of CSS from HTML in PhpStorm?

Is there any way to make JetBrains PhpStortm (v8) to navigate to the SASS file when I Ctrl+cilck on a CSS class/id in the HTML source, insted of the default (to

PhpStorm: How to disable PHPCS for Javascript

PHPCS is checking my JS files on PhpStorm, I need to disable this feature I added this line in the file phpcs.xml.dist but no luck <exclude-pattern>*\.

Use script "code ." in terminal to open PhpStorm

I want to type the script "code ." in terminal in order to open my code editor, PhpStorm. How can I do that?

phpstorm on osx: shortcut for 'Comment with Line Comment'

seems like i still didn't fully transform into a mac user (coming from Windows), once again having trouble with the keyboard shortcuts: in phpstorm the followi

PhpStorm terminal npm (node)

I've just recently started using gulp.js in my projects and I've been trying to learn and use terminal a lot more. When I run npm commands from the mac termina

How to display "git blame" in PhpStorm after opening file by default

How to display "git blame" after opening a file by default in PhpStorm. Without "right-click the left gutter, and select the Annotate option", I want to displ

Git in PHPstorm: Unstage files from Git (remove uncommited files from stage)

In PHPStorm's Git interface it's easy to stage files and folders, with the "+Add" option in the "Git >" submenu of the right click context menu. But, how do

Is there a way to sync settings across JetBrains IDEs?

What is the best way to sync similar settings across JetBrains IDEs? For example I have PyCharm and PhpStorm, both of which support CSS and HTML, and I would li

PHPUnit (Phar) Fatal Error Only When Test Fails

I have chosen to use a Phar of PHPUnit (phpunit-4.8.26.phar) to unit test my custom built PHP Framework and Application. The reason I am using the old stable re

PhpStorm asks each time for a username and password for GitHub

I work with the operating system Linux-Mint and PhpStorm. Every time I make a push, fetch, pull etc. with PhpStorm, PhpStorm asks me for a username and password