Python is definitely one of the worst languages for parallel processing. Just finna get the parent process to throw an error when the child process fails. Inste
textfolding="ON" echo "some text blah balh test foo" if [[ "$textfolding" == "ON" ]]; then | fold -s -w "$fold_width" | sed -e "s|^|\t|g"; fi The above code w
I am trying to use redis-cli --pipe to bulk upload some commands to my AWS Elasticache for redis cluster. The commands come from parsing a file via a custom awk
Originally, I had a simple extension to the DatePipe to transform a date value from our standard (YYYYMMDD format) so that the DatePipe in Angular could then us
I am trying to run command lines to take screenshots in my Xcode project and using Pipe() to log output data. When I build and run this project in Xcode, I can
I have inherited a complicated (to me) toolbox from a PhD student before me and it uses python2 instead of 3 since it's older. The main file is in python2 and u
I have series of directories with (mostly) video files in them, say test1 1.mpg 2.avi 3.mpeg test2 123.avi 432.avi test3 asdf.m
I've already seen the boost::process tutorial... but there the example is a single write then a single read from the child process. I want to know if it is poss
I have a variable list var_list which contains the names of variables to test in the univariate regression. I have an multiple imputed dataset which contains th
I'd like to use the new native pipe,|>, with purrr::map_dfr(). (To make it reproducible, I'm passing the datasets as strings instead of paths, but that shou
Any help sooner would be greatly appreciated I am using PIPE to connect to Jenkins pipeline from BB and using the below code in my BB.yml - step: &functiona
In R 4.1 a native pipe operator was introduced that is "more streamlined" than previous implementations. I already noticed one difference between the native |&g
Python's multiprocessing.Queuefails intermittently, and I don't know why. Is this a bug in Python or my script? Minimal failing script import multiprocessing
So I have a bash script which is below, and whenever I try to execute it, it says only one type of list may be specified, any clue as to whats wrong with this c
p =Popen('cmd.exe',shell=True,stdin=PIPE,stdout=PIPE,bufsize=0) def run(): global p while True: line = if not line: #
The file actions of posix_spawn describe the setup code for the child process before it might run execve (which deletes stack etc). The intended use case is to
From this trivial example: $ x="ls output: " $ ls | while read line; do x="$x $line"; echo $x; done ls output: a ls output: a b ls output: a b c ls output: a b
I have to display Euro currency like this : 583 €. But with this code: {{ price | currency:'EUR':true }} I get €583, is there any option in Angula
There are a lot of questions related to this one but none seems to work for my case: 1-
I'm looking for a way to remove the indentation of a piped text. Below is a solution using cut -c 9- which assumes the indentation is 8 character wide. I'm loo