Category "pivot-table"

#DIV error in Google Sheet related to Pivot table

I am trying to fix an error in googlesheet especially related to Pivot table. Especially when I make extra calculations from the Pivot table I get the #Div erro

Analysis Services: How to show the original parameters of Pivot Table Excel after computing filter?

When connecting to AnalysisService / Cube with Excel, I have a PivotTable in a Excel Tab. Here it is. And the PivotTable settings is in the Sheet1 THEN I do d

Python pandas : pivot_table simple string aggregation and sort

I'm trying to achieve something with pandas which is very straightforward to do in Excel PivotTable: From what I've seen, the following code seems logic, but

"Unable to set the CurrentPage property of the PivotField Class" with Pivot Table Filtering Attempt

So I have been trying to figure out what I am doing wrong for the past two days and I can't seem to get past this error. The error is "Unable to set the Current

How to pivot a dataframe to a wide format?

Suppose I have a pandas DataFrame like this: import pandas as pd data = pd.DataFrame({'header': ['age', 'height', 'weight', 'country', 'age', 'height', 'weight

Pandas pivot table. Getting modes and relevant percentage

Here is the problem. While creating a pivot table in pandas data frame, I need to aggregate the column values for their modes as well as their relevant percenta

Problem with fetching data from database in Laravel

I have a search form to list properties/ads through certain criteria. I am trying to fetch all properties based on offer or demand, depending on what is clicked

(Python) Pivot table- cannot cast array data from dtype('float64) to dtype('<U32') according to safe rule

I am having some troubles with the cast array data error when making a pivot table. I have checked thoroughly and all the components are float64. However the er

How do you create a "reverse pivot" in Google Sheets?

I am trying to produce a "reverse pivot" function. I have searched long and hard for such a function, but cannot find one that is already out there. I have a su

Pivot table Calculated field - Sumif(s) between two dates?

I'm attempting to calculate periods of out of stock for a fleet of rental equipment that has been in service for the past few years. I'm having trouble creating

openpyxl - Load only a single sheet to prevent pivot tables from being involved

I want to load an .xlsx file with openpyxl: from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook wb = load_workbook(filename = "my_excel_file.xlsx", data_only = True)

How to combine two pivot tables into one chart in excel

I have two pivot tables, each with two columns. One column is a range from 0 to 6.5, grouped by .5 and the other column is the percentage of the whole column th

create a repeatable pivot table that loads on the same worksheet

I try to take a table and create a pivot table adjacent to it. This macro needs to work on separate worksheets so the table and pivot table names need to be ge

Excel Pivot Table with multiple columns of data and each data point in a column can have multiple values

I have a raw data report in Excel 2016 that has hundreds of records, each record contains: a person's name, date, case number, site, and supervisor, along the r

Laravel attach pivot to table with multiple values

Background I'm creating a database revolving around food allergies and I have a many to many relationship between foods and allergies. There is also a pivot va

Google sheets pivot table - display totals at the top

Is that possible to change pivot table totals row location in Google Sheets so that they display directly under the pivot headers? I have browsed the available

Google sheets pivot table - display totals at the top

Is that possible to change pivot table totals row location in Google Sheets so that they display directly under the pivot headers? I have browsed the available

pandas: most elegant way to pivot table on pattern in name of columns

Given the following DataFrame: pd.DataFrame({ 'x': [0, 1], 'y': [0, 1], 'a_idx': [0, 1], 'a_val': [2, 3], 'b_idx': [4, 5], 'b_val': [6, 7], }) What

Accessors (Getter) & Mutators (Setter) On a Pivot Table in Laravel

I have a pivot table that connects users to workspaces. On the pivot table, I also have a column for role, which defines the users role for that workspace. Can

SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect integer value: 'column_name' in Laravel

Laravel Multiple Data Insert Error SQLSTATE[22007]: Invalid datetime format: 1366 Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'unit_id' at row 2 (SQL: insert into p