Let's consider model : library(plm) data("Produc", package = "plm") model <- plm(pcap ~ hwy + water, data = Produc, model = 'within') To calculate fitted v
I am currently working on estimating a fixed-effect model using plm(). The following table is an example of my data (please note that I used arbitrary numbers h
I'm using plm package to analyse my panel data, which comprises a set of states for 14 years. In the course of running plm regressions, I've encountered a lot o
I have a panel data including income for individuals over years, and I am interested in the income trends of individuals, i.e individual coefficients for income
I've created two regression models using a linear panel model with plm, and a generalized panel model using poisson with the pglm package. library(plm); librar
I have a small N large T panel which I am estimating via plm::plm (panel linear regression model), with fixed effects. Is there any way to get predicted values