There are two tables given: 1) employee(eno,ename,basic,da,gross) da=basic*(5.0/100) gross = basic+da 2) sal_hist(eno, sys_dt, old_basic) How to write a
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production I am creating an Oracle job where I need to hit a procedure for every 30 minutes,
I have string such as A~B~C,D~E,F~G~H,I. The string is comma separated and then each comma separated substring is ~ separated. There is no limit on the number o
I'm currently creating an app in Oracle APEX and for some unknown to me reason while trying perform UPDATE/DELETE action by clicking on 'edit' button in the rep
I've looked up questions here as well as looking online and watching videos but I'm still confused exactly what IN, OUT is. The reason I'm asking is because I'm
I living problem in my query. When i add ROUND and DECODE query takes too long time but when i delete directly return value. When i search for sql advice no any
How to export output in a CSV format through a procedure. My output is stored in v_output variable Please find below query Declare view_name VARCH
I am really confused with PLSQL error messages The following errors are returned: Error at line 13: PL/SQL: Statement ignored 1. create or replace TRIGGER tr
Using PL/SQL (Oracle 11gR2) I want an IF statement that tests if a string contains 1 or more lower-case letters. PL/SQL pseudo-code: declare v_string varchar2
I started to use Datagrip for my PL/SQL (school) projects that need the use of DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. Before this I was using Oracle SQL developer and I was able
I am running the following in the Scott schema: SET serveroutput ON; BEGIN FOR c_Emp IN (SELECT * FROM emp) LOOP dbms_output.put_line('The record processed by
I have a problem with returning a json object from a REST method in Oracle Apex. Apex puts an escape character in front of every quotation mark and hence the js
A very easy one for someone, The following insert is giving me the ORA-01722: invalid number why? INSERT INTO CUSTOMER VALUES (1,'MALADY','Claire','27 S
I have a parameter created for a stored procedure looking to allow user to pass in multiple inputs. create procedure sp1 (p1 in varchar2) as begin select proc
I'm trying to set a dynamic column name on my query using "select from dual". Is this possible? If not, kindly recommend alternatives for me to achieve this. I
How can I fetch from a ref cursor that is returned from a stored procedure (OUT variable) and print the resulting rows to STDOUT in SQL*PLUS? ORACLE stored pro
I have 2 servers (one for testing, one for production), both have the following Oracle packages (identical output on both of them for SELECT * FROM V$VERSION; :
i would like to return all rows and fields from a table, where neither the tablename nor the fieldnames are known in advance. Something like: select * from [TA
I am doing a long to string conversion using java in following way. Long longValue = 367L; String str = Long.toString(longValue, 36).toUpperCase(); this is r