A point-cloud to point-cloud distance can be simply computed using the nearest neighbor distance. The issue is that the nearest neighbour is not necessarily the
My goal is to visualize a point cloud using PCL. This is possible according to their official tutorial (link). In the tutorial there is an include path pointing
How do you import all the 3d points from a file named edge_cloud.pcd and put them into an array? I want the array to be in the format array=[[xvalue1,yvalue1,
Many PCL interfaces accept only shared_ptr<T> arguments (e.g. boost::shared_ptr< PointCloud>). [Aside: that is it boost::shared_ptr and not std::sha
Now I want using PCA method to compute normal for the organized point cloud transformed from the depth image.Here is what I do: pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::P
Now I want using PCA method to compute normal for the organized point cloud transformed from the depth image.Here is what I do: pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::P
How do you install PCL Library on Python/Ubuntu 18.04 LTS? I've tried different ways to do so, without luck. Trying to import pcl results in: ImportError:
I am looking to find all the planes in a 3D pointcloud using PCL. The example snippet has a video showing two different planes detected: http://pointclouds.org
Make Error at CMakeLists.txt:12 (find_package): By not providing "FindPCL.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has asked CMake to find a package configu
I am using PCL 1.3. Is there any function to convert pointcloud to pointcloud::ptr. I am new at PCL libraries. I have a ROS node subscribing to sensor_msgs/Poin
I'm reading the PCL tutorial on plane segmentation, because I want to find 3D circles in a very large and dense point cloud I have. I know already the approxima