Category "point-clouds"

CGAL:: Surface Reconstruction -- reconstructed point cloud can't be rendered/visualize in any 3D viewers

I used CGAL to preprocess my pointcloud(.ply) file. Results after each preprocess can be rendered/visualize. But after applying advance front surface reconstruc

Conversion of binary lidar data (.bin) to point cloud data (.pcd) format

I have a lidar data collected with Velodyne-128 in .bin format. I need to convert it into pcd format. I use NVIDIA Driveworks for data manipulation but there is

CGAL: Hole Filling .exe file is stuck

This is my terminal(result) after running the .exe file. Click the link for the terminal. It doesn't stop or gives an error. It's stuck like this for hours. I g

Helix Toolkit in c# displaying ply point cloud

I have made a ply file with the help of this wrapper. How I made the ply file is shown below: using (var frames = pipeline.WaitForFrames()) { var colorFrame

3D point cloud matching

I have a 3D point cloud and I would like to match different point clouds with each other for recognition purposes. Does OpenCV or Tensorflow do it for me? if ye

problems with computing normal for organized point cloud

Now I want using PCA method to compute normal for the organized point cloud transformed from the depth image.Here is what I do: pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::P

problems with computing normal for organized point cloud

Now I want using PCA method to compute normal for the organized point cloud transformed from the depth image.Here is what I do: pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::P

How do I convert a 3D point cloud (.ply) into a mesh (with faces and vertices)?

I have a 3-D point cloud file with 1 million points that I need to convert into a mesh file in trimesh. The ultimate goal here is to take a point cloud and dete

pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> to pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr (Covert poincloud to ptr)

I am using PCL 1.3. Is there any function to convert pointcloud to pointcloud::ptr. I am new at PCL libraries. I have a ROS node subscribing to sensor_msgs/Poin

Displaying .ply Point Cloud in C# using Helix-Toolkit

I'm trying to create a Point Cloud from a .ply File which holds vertices (v x y z r g b) and their color recorded from a Kinect v2. What I've tried so far: At

PCL RANSAC model fitting: How can I initialise the model parameters?

I'm reading the PCL tutorial on plane segmentation, because I want to find 3D circles in a very large and dense point cloud I have. I know already the approxima

Select remaining points after cropping a point cloud

I am currently facing a problem regarding point cloud cropping. More specifically, I already know how to crop a point cloud based on Open3D, a package for point