I'm trying to read out multiple serial ports at the same time with Python. I found some code to make it, but its not going well. The code not read the serial pr
I hosted a model inside a docker container. On running the DockerFile, It runs the following command: mlflow models serve -m model --port 8080 --no-conda It ser
I'm running react-native project in port 8081, i want to run another react-native project simultaneously in other port. I tried these npx react-native run-ios -
I am generating random data on an Arduino that stays connected to my computer and I would like to transfer this data to a local database on my computer or to a
I'm testing serviceWorker according "https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Service_Worker_API/Using_Service_Workers" My PC with Ubuntu 18.04, apache2
How to get the special port information which only dependent on the ip-address field by openstacksdk API, like the result as the openstack-client tool show: # o
I tried running the backend server but when I run the command node backend/server.js in my cmd, I'm getting this error: D:\theshoppingcart>node backend/serve
How can I have a spring boot web application running on multiple ports? for example 8080 and 80 how can I achive this?application.properties server.port=8080,
Working on a simple port scanner that allows user to input an IP address as well as a set of ports to scan through ie a lower boundary port and an upper boundar
I'm not using php or php-fpm, but it's hogging port 9000. I need port 9000. I'd like to change the port. I changed it in /etc/php-fpm.conf and /etc/php-fpm.d/ww
I have a flow with one input and 2 output flows (happy path and failure path). I would like to test the flow, thinking to put message directly to the input flow
After upgrading Docker to 4.6.0 on OSX 12.3 I've had a bit of an odd issue when I stop the xdebug listening client in PHPStorm, it seems that subsequent request
I am running the rails app on VPS server provided by my host. I need to run the same local app to the IP provided by them. For eg myip:3000 Is it possible to
I am using docker for the first time and I was trying to implement this - https://docs.docker.com/get-started/part2/#tag-the-image At one stage I was trying to
I recently downloaded an Apache server binary (Apache 2.4.12 x64) When I try to run the server in command prompt I get the following error: (OS 10048)Only one
I'm setting up a web server, but I'm new in this kind of stuff. And I kinda set it up, but I get the following problem when i enter my localhost page: localhos
How can I remove the current process/application which is already assigned to a port? For example: localhost:8080
I am trying to read and write data from hardware through the browser. Here's what the hardware does: Send --> Data is simply sent from the unit. Writing --&g
How do I configure the TCP/IP port listened on by a Spring Boot application, so it does not use the default port of 8080.
ngrok's awesome web interface is pointed to by default. I have other applications listening on that port, however, and need to change it s