I have a PowerShell script that calls plink.exe regularly. Normally, the two output lines about keyboard-interactive prompts are simply annoying. However, when
I am starting the process to try and get my machine to run WSL 2, and I began by following the first step of a tutorial by Microsoft that asks you to run: dism.
While trying to run Get-WindowsUpdateLog I get the error below. I come across a blog to copy SymSrv.dll file over to the server. This doesn't make sense as I ha
I have file with name %253csvg%2fonload=alert(1)%253e.jpg-131x94 I am trying to sync the files to remote server using WinSCP .NET assembly Session.SynchronizeD
I'm trying to remove members of groups automatically via a PowerShell Script. There's an Azure AD app created, with User.ReadWrite.All (Application) and as User
I am building a script to search for $name through a large batch of CSV files. These files can be as big as 67,000 KB. This is my script that I use to search th
I have an *.exe that outputs this data when I run this PowerShell command: & $myExe list Where $myExe is something like C:\Temp\MyExe.exe and list is an a
I am updating a script we use to generate new users and update users based on a csv we download from a feed every night. I need to generate a unique username fo
the command dotnet myapp.dll -- [4, 3, 2] throws the exception System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format. I do not know the syntax. How s
I need to write a PowerShell script that reads some data and writes it to a file on a remote SFTP location. I'd rather not generate a local file first before i
Consider the following Dockerfile. On the last lines, first git is installed, and then something is appended to the path environment variable. FROM mcr.microsof
In an Azure DevOps 'release pipeline', I provision Azure resources - including SQLServer databases - and try to configure access to databases using managed iden
Set-GPPermissions -Guid <Guid> -TargetName "Authenticated Users" -PermissionLevel None -TargetType Group -Replace -Confirm:$false Used to work fine, but
Error on terminal: nodemon.ps1 cannot be loaded because running scripts is disabled on this system. For more information, see about_Execution_Policies at https:
I'm running iis 10 on windows server 2016. I need to enable content compression for some web application and disable it for others. These check boxes specifical
I'm currently editing our new employee script for AD and I am running into an issue, I added 2 radio buttons for the home folder, one radio button will update t
If I've downloaded a file with a known SHA256 hash, how can I use PowerShell to check that the file matches the expected hash?
Whenever I need to run a powershell script it complains of security, if I add powershell.exe -nologo -executionpolicy bypass -File .\install.ps1 I still get per
New-Item -Path "C:\aws" -Name "script.ps1" -ItemType "file" -Value "text in file" I am trying to create a file using the above command, if the file already exi
I have multiple tasks that need to be scheduled during the last full workweek (Monday through Friday) of every month. These will be scheduled from a Windows Ser