Category "prepared-statement"

ADO Parameterized Queries with Subqueries Error

I have a legacy classic ASP application running with SQL Server 2012 (also tested with 2016) that I am trying to switch over to using parameterized queries. All

Unsure why I am getting: Number of variables doesn't match number of parameters in prepared statement

I am trying to do a simple test but am experiencing errors. I am trying to add the parameters and I have done some research, none of which has helped me underst

PostgreSQL asking for 'group by' clause in where, when sending parameters

I have a simple query in PostgreSQL which is ok when I run it without any query parameters : select date_trunc('week', action_time),count(*) from event

JPA (Hibernate) Native Query for Prepared Statement SLOW

Having strange performance issue using Hibernate 3.3.2GA behind JPA (and the rest of the Hibernate packages included in JBoss 5.) I'm using Native Query, and a