I am working in an Angular 10 app. When using a tablet, opening a p-calendar primeng component opens the soft keyboard, triggering a window resize event. p-cale
I'm using PrimeNG's tooltip and am trying to make it wider when it has lots of text in it, but it is not responding to anything I try. I have tried using Prime
The user, after a research that loads values in table, can use pagination to show the other pages with the other value. The problem is that the user see pagina
I am using PrimeNG OverlayPanel to be displayed in dropdown click but I have a problem to move default left arrow to right position. I tried everything that was
I wanted to have a 'Add Tab' button, on clicking that button i want to add a new Tab(tabPanel) to existing list of tabView. Till now i am able to achieve the ad
I have been using mat-tab in conjunction with prime-ng table and have been trying really hard to make sure that pagination drop down number doesn't get clipped
Checked box and select sans icons. I've added the primeicons library per: https://github.com/primefaces/primeng/wiki/Migration-Guide However, something is st
I want to call a method when I open a component, so I've tested some method, no one works just (onSelect) event works. Here is a part of the code : <p-cal
Now I upgrade project version 9.1.3 to version 10 PrimeNG and I see some change here error change structure folder import ConfirmationService not import from 'p
I am using primeng table with angular.Below is the code for using table: <p-table [value]="cars" dataKey="brand" [scrollable]="'true'" scrollHeight="400px"&
I am using primeng p-table along with p-checkbox. I want to be able to highlight the clicked row (or the row content) without checking the checkbox. The Checkbo
How can I change default primary color for primeNG (saga-blue theme) ? changing --primary-color doesn't help, because in node_modules/..../theme.css elements ar
Where I do declare activeIndex and how to use this variable ? I have html file: <p-tabMenu [model]="tabMenuItems"></p-tabMenu> and typescript f
I am new to angular, in p-calendar I'm not able to apply masking behaviour. Example: If user enters 01012012, I want to change it to 01-01-2012. Thanks in advan
I want to set the selection with the value i get from Local-Storage. Here is the code: HTML: <p-treeTable [value]="tableDataRow$ | async" [col
I have an expandable row in Angular2 using Primeng2 but the column headers for the expandable columns aren't showing. This is my table with the expandable rows
I'm working with the primeNG component, but I can't load the data. MultiSelect this.listadoProductos = this.resolucionDatosCargados['listProduct']; this.par
I am using PrimeNg Calendar in my angular 7 project, wanted to disable month navigator on some conditions at the component level. Ex: Current Month is February
Created a table grid using and sometimes the vertical or horizontal lines are not showing up. When I change the zoom percentage or refresh the page or scroll t
I am using PrimeNg calendar widget with 2 fields that is startDate and endDate. Currently when selecting startDate, It is showing the selected date with curren