Category "prisma-graphql"

How to configure NextJS Server API GraphQL Subscription

currently i'm learning how to develop an application using graphql. I'm facing the error of implementing the subscription inside my application resolver.js cons

Error: Command failed with exit code 3221225781: ... \prisma\query-engine-windows.exe cli get-config --ignoreEnvVarErrors

I had an issue about [Error: @prisma/client did not initialize yet. Please run "prisma generate" and try to import it again], so I put postinstall : “pris

Is it possible to make a join query with Prisma without a foreign key?

I've been struggling with this for a while but with no success. I have two tables that might have a relation but not necessarily. FIRST +----+-----------+------

Is it possible to make a join query with Prisma without a foreign key?

I've been struggling with this for a while but with no success. I have two tables that might have a relation but not necessarily. FIRST +----+-----------+------

How to inject a value via middleware into a graphql query body (prisma-typegraphql)?

I am currently using prisma-typegraphql for generating a schema and it's props. Problem: Is there a way to write a middleware that accesses a value from an arbi

Features work, but console delivers extraneous error: "Variable "$id" of required type "ID!" was not provided."

My CRUD operations work. But many of them also generate a single, specific console error I haven't been able to track down. [GraphQL error]: Message: Variable