Category "processing"

Drawing a smooth line in p5js

I have a function that I created which draws a line from the coordinates of its first argument to the coordinates of the second argument. The code runs the func

Error "You may be mixing active and static modes" in Processing

I am trying to create a simple spaceship game, where there are meteorites falling from the top of the screen. I haven't come far but I got this error that says

How to configure Visual Studio Code for Processing?

I am creating projects in Processing 3.5.3. I don't like the Processing IDE and want to use Visual Studio Code instead. I couldn't find a helpful source online

Storing motion vectors from calculated optical flow in a practical way which enables reconstruction of subsequent frames from initial keyframes

I am trying to store the motion detected from optical flow for frames in a video sequence and then use these stored motion vectors in order to predict the alrea

Histogram based on image as vector graphic

I would like to transform histograms based on images to vector graphics. This could be a start: function preload() { img = loadImage("https://upload.wikim

Processing exported application canvas size differs from ide launched application

I have a simple Processing 3 application I just migrated to Processing 4. The old version had some global variables fine tuned for 1920x1080 displays, so while

How to export to a runnable jar with Proccessing (Eclipse)

I have tried to export my processing applet to a runnable jar file from eclipse (which I am using to code it) and it exports successfully but when opened just c

Java equivalent of #ifdef that allows non-compilable code

Is it possible in Java to do a sort of #ifdef thing, like in C/C++? Example: class Test { public static final boolean ANDROID = false; public Test()