Category "profiling"

How to profile/benchmark Python ASYNCIO code?

How do I profile/benchmark an assynchronous Python script (which uses ASYNCIO)? I you would usualy do totalMem = tracemalloc.get_traced_memory()[0] totalTime

Improve performance of per-pixel image multiplication with mask and thresholding

I am looking for suggestions to make this algorithm run faster. Using C# and EmguCV (a managed wrapper over OpenCV), I am processing images in real-time, adjust

ncu-ui won't run: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found

I'm trying to run the ncu-ui profiler GUI on a CentOS 7 Linux system (using ncu-ui 2022.1), both as root and as a regular user. I'm getting the error:

>90% of the time is spent on method 'acquire' of 'thread.lock' objects

To identify the step that is using most of the computation time, I ran cProfile and got the following result: ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall fil