Category "progress"

Pause a for loop, save progress and resume it another time?

In python(3) I'm coding a script which uses a recursive for loop (the for loop calls it's own function various times) and I know the script will only finish aft

Can't connect to SQL Server DB from Pyodbc

I am having a difficult time trying to connect to a SQL Server DB on Linux, using pyodbc. I have a ODCINI file entry created. I started with this: import pyo

Circular Progress Indicator inside Buttons, Android Material design

I have just read that buttons (MaterialButton) (progress indicator material design) in Material Design, are able to hold a circular progress Indicator, as you

Progress bar with intervals

I am trying to create a progress bar with steps and a play/pause button. I am having trouble with creating the play/pause button but the case is that onload pro

How to style an HTML5 Progress Element as Circle/Pie with pure CSS

HTML5 introduced a new "progress" element that by default is rendered as a progress bar (thermometer). A very basic example is: <progress max="100" value

Report compression progress for ZipFIle

Is it possible to monitor/report compression progress for zipfile.ZipFile()? I found an explanation for how to monitor extraction progress here, but I guess a