Category "prometheus"

Unable To Access Prometheus Dashboard/ Port Forwarding Doesn't Work

I'm creating a K8 cluster and I want to display the cluster information in Grafana using Prometheus (as usual). I've followed various documentation that has bee

Prometheus Relabeling for Cassandra

I would like to get help with relabeling in prometheus. I am trying to replace instance with nodename, so here in prometheus before relabeling I would like to h

Can't scrape metrics from Cassandra docker container with cassandra exporter

I'm trying to monitor Cassandra that is running in a docker container with this cassandra-exporter . For some reasons the cassandra-exporter can't scrape the me

Changing x-axis in grafana graph to custom time series sent as label of gauge

I am working on a project in java using spring boot that requires working on prometheus and grafana. To send data to prometheus end-point, I am using "gauge" ha

Grafana graphing HTTP requests per minute with http_server_requests_seconds_count

I have a Spring boot app throwing out open metric stats using micrometer. For each of my HTTP endpoints, I can see the following metric which I believe tracks t

Exporting EKS metrics to Prometheus running on separate EC2 [closed]

I want to export the EKS cluster's metrics to my Prometheus which is running on a separate EC2 instance within the same VPC. Most solutions on

How do i send alerts to opsgenie using alertmanager?

im desperatly tring to figure out whats going on with alertmanager in my kubernetes cluster. I have been following the getting started for alertmanager Promethe

How can I query prometheus data greater than value but include all data in series vector?

I think this image says it all I want to query a series in Prometheus with values greater than .5 but include the lower values in the series so the chart is co

Pushing metrics data to Prometheus

I am configuring Prometheus to access Spring boot metrics data. For some of the metrics, Prometheus's pull mechanism is ok, but for some custom metrics I prefer

How to setup basic auth for Prometheus deployed on K8s cluster using yamls?

How to setup basic auth for Prometheus deployed on K8s cluster using yamls?? I was able to achieve this easily when Prometheus was deployed on a host locally us

Prometheus metric value compared to "crawl Time" in grafana

I have metric that exports "current time" from the device in UNIX time, now I would like to compare that time with "crawling time", but I seem to have some prob

Prometheus instant vector vs range vector

There's something I still dont understand about instant vector and range vectors Instant vector - a set of time series containing a single sample for each tim

Add custom labels to default spring boot actuator metrics

I'm currently working on a Spring boot (webflux) project where we have exposed metrics of our application on /actuator/prometheus endpoint using spring boot act

How to add bearer token for prometheus job

I have started working on the Prometheus for my microservices. I was able to achieve it initially. Now, it's time to push the actuator endpoint under the spring

How to update MicroMeter gauge according to labels

I use MicroMeter gauges in a Spring Boot 2 application to track statuses of objects. On status change, the statusArrived() method is called. This function shoul

Prometheus query to alert if something happens x times within a time period?

I'm working on a query that should alert if the disk queue length gets above 2 frequently. Say, if it happens 10 times over a 1d period. I can't seem to get my

Set different maximum values for each field in the Bar Gauge | Grafana

I was trying to set up a dashboard so that I could monitor the number of messages within certain queues. The problem is that in order to create a suitable alert

Prometheus alerting rule not detecting first time metric increase

I have one counter metric error_in_execution. Whenever the error appears; called. I have the following alert expression that triggers when the cou

Sum of a Prometheus metric over the current day

I want to have a metric that shows the total incoming bytes on an interface for the day so far. The closest I can get is having to specify the date in the query

Prometheus counters: How to get current value with golang client?

I am using counters to count the number of requests. Is there any way to get current value of a prometheus counter? My aim is to reuse existing counter without