Category "protractor"

Protractor Mac installation Issue - protractor --version zsh: command not found: protractor

I'm interested in using Protractor for e2e testing. But running into some possible installation issues on a Mac(macOS Catalina). The main problem I'm having is

How to access AngularJS Controller in a E2E test using Protractor

I have an AngularJS application on which I'm performing E2E tests. I want to access my web page's scope object's properties but I can't do so. I tried doing thi

Types of property 'theme' are incompatible in cucumber-html-reporter

Hi I'm new to cucumber framework and I was trying to generate a html report using cucumber-html-reporter. But the 'theme' property in options of cucumber-html-r

Getting text from angular input elements in Protractor

The angular Input controls doesn't let me get values directly by using getText() in protractor. <input ng-switch-when="TextBox" ng-if="::!field.uiControlInf

Cannot read property 'CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_ENABLED' of undefined

I have the error Cannot read property 'CUCUMBER_PUBLISH_ENABLED' of undefined when trying to execute my e2e test using cucumber in my angular project. Please do

Enforce one describe per file

The Story: We have a rather big test codebase with Protractor+Jasmine tests. One of the current problems we have is that some of the test/spec files contain

protractor, on login form sendkeys() are not working. Browser don't displays my value for the form fields

(I'm not using jQuery) Hi! I'm starting with protractor and cucumber and i'm testing a login page. I'm trying to insert values on a form for the login, but when

Protractor: change user agent

I'm testing a site designed for mobile pages. It takes screenshots of the page however the screenshots are displaying the screen like on a desktop rather than a

Error: Error: Cannot find module 'cucumber'

I am trying to execute a small example of automated test using Webstorm, cucumber and protractor. I have already installed cucumber using this command within th

Variable scope in protractor

I am running protractor and jasmine to run unit tests. I need to know the build version of my web app in order to execute different tests. I have declared a v

How to select option in drop down protractorjs e2e tests

I am trying to select an option from a drop down for the angular e2e tests using protractor. Here is the code snippet of the select option: <select id="loc

What is a Selenium wrapper?

Does it wrap around Selenium and provide a simpler or different method of invoking the functionality of Selenium? I looked it up on Google and the best informat

Protractor - Shard By Suite

It looks like Protractor currently allows you to shard by file. Is there way to split it up by suite, if there are files within each suite that are order depend

Focusing on angular4 popup window with Protractor

I'm unable to get my UI test to focus on a popup window. At this stage, I'd be happy to simply click PayBill, wait for the popup window (which loads instantly),

Selenium tests error: WebDriverError: unknown error: net::ERR_CONNECTION

I'm trying to run selenium tests but I get this error: Error: WebDriverError: unknown error: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED (Session info: chrome=98.0.4758.102)

Cannot Locate Element using Jasmine (Protractor)

The login page is a non-angular page and when the user login, then s/he is redirected to home page. The home page is using angular. For login, I've used

How to check if a file has downloaded successfully?

My page has a link that on clicking will download a file. I just need to check if the file has been downloaded and of the correct extension.

Protractor (WebDriverJS) cannot switchTo window. nameOrHandle is not defined

I have gone around this as many ways as I can think, and still can't get this to work. I am trying to switch to a popUp as a way to automate a login. (Protract