Category "pst"

Create a pst file with a bunch of msg files using win32com python

I have a bunch of msg files in a directory, I'd like to kinda put/zip them in a pst file. I've seen some solutions like Aspos Email which needs JVM on the machi

PowerShell - Automate loading .pst files into Outlook and exporting individual .msg items inside

I am currently working on a project where I have been given a lot of .pst files. These files contain individual .msg files inside which I need to run an analysi

Registry key to find pst locations?

For outlook 2010 we had the outlook profiles set under:- HKCU\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\Windows Messaging Subsystem\\Profiles. Similar

Where do calendar messages in PST files store appointment times and dates?

I am using the PST File Format SDK to try and extract some appointment item data from an Outlook PST export: int main() { pst myfile(L"export.pst"); fo