Category "pthreads"

asio::thread created in object with global scope causes strange behavior, but not if it is created in main

I have been battling a problem for a day or so and "solved" it but I wonder if anyone knows why it must be so, or whether I have just hacked my way around a dee

Shared pthread_cond_broadcast stuck in futex_wait

I have one "server" process a and potentially multiple "client" processes b. The server creates a shared memory file (shm_open) containing a pthread_mutex_t and

does pthread_join affects concurrently

I want to run all threads concurrently. If I use pthread_join function does it affect running of threads concurrently? pthread_join(..)

PThreads is not providing a program speedup over serial code

I am creating 2 programs to test the differences in run time of serial matrix multiply vs that of parallel matrix multiply. The parallel code that I have writte

A pthread with SCHED_RR and higher real time priority failed to preempt a kthread in kernel module with lower priority

Preface: I have two threads: one kernel thread and one userspace pthread. I assume pthread set to SCHED_RR with higher rt priority should preempt a kthread with

C Producer-Consumer Using PThreads

I am working on a problem where I am implementing a program that mimics the producer-consumer paradigm. The code that I am using works when I only have one prod

Creating multiple threads in C

I am just a beginner in Programming using C.For my college project I want to create a multi-threaded server application to which multiple clients can connect an

GCC: Building cross-compiler for ARM - pthread.h not found

Using a Ubuntu 12.04 host, I carefully followed this SO answer here (Recipe for Compiling Binutils and GCC Together) to build GCC and binutils in one tree with