I'm working on a Redis(StackExchange.Redis) PUBSUB system in Dotnet core and everything works normally until after I publish to my channel. The subscriber simpl
I'm hoping to have a config file loaded in via rosparam that includes the type for a generic callback to subscribe to. Right now this is what I have but can't f
I would like to set-up a server that can subscribe to an external stream over a websocket (ws_ext) and then republish that data (after curating) to internal cli
This is my setup. Subscription A is a push subscription that POSTs messages to a cloud Run deployment. That deployment exposes an HTTP endpoint, processes the m
I would like to have an Http based pub/sub server that messages are published to channels with HTTP POST requests, and subscribed through EventSource (SSE). Bes
I'm creating a small chat application in gRPC right now and I've run into the issue where if a user wants to connect to the gRPC server as a client, I'd like to
I'm looking for a solid way of re-queuing messages that couldn't be handled properly - at this time. I've been looking at http://dotnetcodr.com/2014/06/16/rabb
My current system takes input stream from cameras, each camera in a separate instance, and apply Computer Vision models on each camera (Object Detection, Object