This is my first time posting, so bear with me. I'm using purrr::pmap() to map a function over 3 columns of a tibble(), to create a 4th column library(tidyverse
I am using a piece of R code which was provided as a response to the previous question Using tidyverse and matconv to convert Matlab code to R code. The code su
I am trying to use the map function to do something complex - I'd like to use the values of the Result column per each dataframe I have in a list ( these are m
I'd like to use the new native pipe,|>, with purrr::map_dfr(). (To make it reproducible, I'm passing the datasets as strings instead of paths, but that shou
I'd like to know if there is a way to speed up a code built with purrr package. I tried to convert it into furr and use the multisession option, but it is even
I've looked at a lot of posts so I'm sorry if this is redundant, but was hoping to get some help flattening a nested list: test <- list() test <- c( li
I'd like to convert the below list to a data frame but I'm failing at doing it. The list is taken from Microsoft Azure's API listing all resource types with tec
I've written a custom function that does a number of checks and throws a different error when a check fails. Below is a simple example function that takes a dat
I'm trying to use the nested dataframe ( approach to fit multiple latent class growth curves using lcmm::lcmm() and purr