Category "push"

Can't understand an error message showing when pushing code to devops

Error: remote unpack failed: error The tree object baa09eb1515343c80268a899c7b3c1f4662ae872 was rejected: The folder 'maximechanson' and the folder 'MaximeChan

error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1)

error: RPC failed; curl 92 HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: PROTOCOL_ERROR (err 1) I tried 'push' while writing 'git'. However, the following messag

error: RPC failed; curl 18 transfer closed with outstanding read data remaining when pushing my android project to github

I am having a problem trying to push my code to github. This is the error that I am facing I have tried few solutions that I have found but they all seem not to

ScrollView contentOffset reset after pushViewController

I'm experiencing a problem with ScrollView, my scrollView has 640 of width, from 0 to 320 it's a mapView, from 320 to 640 it's a tableView. I have a segmentedBu

error: unable to read askpass response from '/home/.cache/Google/AndroidStudio2021.1/tmp/' in ubuntu android studiio

I am trying to push my code to my bit bucket repository but from last few days after update from bit bucket, I have to use token to push code. But I don't know

Changing Remote Branch To Push To In Netbeans

I'm using netbeans 7.1 and I want to change remote branch to push to. I cannot find a way to do that. If I do a pull, I can see the branches (dev and master). B

Register device id directly with Amazon SNS

I am using the Amazon Web Service to send push notifications directly to a device. After I install the app I get the device id, that I need to manually add to t