Category "pycharm"

PyCharm does not see executables in the PATH

I'm trying to run a browser using the selenium module and the geckodriver executable using PyCharm on a Linux machine. The simplest code to get the error is: fr

Heroku add folder to PYTHONPATH

Hello) My project has the following structure: app/ - api/ - ..some_folders/ - web/ ... some files ... - Procfile requirem

Using already existing container python interpreter as PyCharm interpreter

I have latest PyCharm installed. I have a docker container and I want to use its python interpreter as my project interpreter. Note that I don't want PyCharm to

Running non-python scripts remotely using PyCharm

I am using PyCharm to do remote deployment and execution of python on an SSH server. However, I would also like to be able to run other files directly in the s

Python: install investpy in pycharm on anaconda 3 (python 3.6) interpreter

Based on my question here I want to install the package investpy into pycharm with interpreter anaconda (python 3.6). For some reason the installation itself is

Cannot resolve symbol 'Routes'

I am importing Routes the following way import {Routes, Route, BrowserRouter} from 'react-router-dom' My package JSON is "react-router-dom": "^6.0.2", I am us

No BLAS/LAPACK libraries found when installing SciPy on macOS

I am using python 3.9.8 and pycharm on a macbook m1. I have already installed openblas with homebrew but I still get the error below. I tried installing SciPy v

Poetry missing as interpreter option in PyCharm

I have Poetry installed on both a Mac and a Windows computer and have been using it without issue on both. However, PyCharm on both machines fails to list poetr

Pygame Issue with importing a rectangle for a game [closed]

I have a small question about placing a rectangle in pygame. When I run the code i dont see a rectangle. Does anyone knows how to fix this? im

Installing python packages when using PyCharm Gateway remote development

I work in an environment where remote development is a must and 'no code on local pc' is enforced. I am looking for the options of python remote development usi

Read Files across File Systems (PyCharm Windows/WSL)

I'm using PyCharm with a WSL interpreter because I need to use a library that doesn't work well with Windows (gtsam, if you're wondering). I have a pandas Dataf

Python terminal closes when importing BeautifulSoup

I have a simple python program, that is supposed to scrape some information from the internet and do stuff with it. When I run the code in PyCharm (IDE) it work

Conda uses .local packages

I feel like this is a basic question, so feel free to direct me to any resources: My conda environment uses .local ahead of the package version specified in the

'Access is denied' to Python 3.8 for PyCharm on Windows 10

Attempting to create a new project in PyCharm Community on Windows 10. Here are the settings for new project in PyCharm: I'm greeted with the error msg: Cannot

Pyfiglet/Python - Print Pyfiglet ASCII in one line

This is my code to print "x t e k k y" whit a cool ASCII font using pyfiglet, but the output always displays in 2 lines, whith gives a bad aestethic, is there a

Wrong method template for PySide2.QtCore.QAbstractItemModel.parent(): where is the problem?

I am trying to implement a subclass of QAbstractItemModel using PySide2. The signature of the parent method is virtual QModelIndex parent(const QModelIndex &

Old script using crashes in pycharm and returns "Object Currently Drawn" error

Years ago I took a "Python for gaming" class and made a little game using as the class final. The program has interactions based on mouse clicks, us

PyCharm: individually working tests, not finding a file when run in group

In my Python project, I have a set of unittests, that load some data from files in a data sub-directory. In PyCharm (Community 2019.3), running each of them in

Pycharm Linux "cannot open Local Terminal"

I've been digging through the internet forever trying to find how to fix this issue on opening the terminal in Pycharm. Everything is either for Windows "cmd.ex

PyCharm doesn't recognize Python 3.10, how do I configure it?

When I use the python version 3.10 it is recognized as Python 3.1 in PyCharm and this is a deprecated version. My OS is Windows 10. I'd to like to know how to f