Category "pydub"

Volume slider in Tkinter with PyDub

Usually with audio you would access volume with: sound.volume = 10 However with Pydub, the volume is accessed using: sound + 10 The problem with this as I canno

Unable to properly increment variable and convert to .wav to .mp3

I am trying to create a new file recording every time this program runs and also convert those .wav files to .mp3. When I run this, it only creates a output.wav

Convert multiple MP3 files to WAV in python

I want to convert multiple MP3 audio files in a folder to WAV format (with mono type) using python code. I tried the below code using pydub: import os from py

How can I efficiently convert gtts audio into pydub audiosegments?

I want to manipulate gtts audio in pydub but I am not sure how to translate gtts file like to pydub audio. I know that I can convert google text to speech audi