Category "pyinstaller"

Utilising Cython with Pyinstaller

I am trying to build a program in python using Cython and PyInstaller. Before starting, I built this test program. However, the two modules aren't working toget

How to build a .exe program from the Anaconda environment (Python 3.7)

How can I build a .exe program from my Anaconda environment to get a standalone application?

Kivy exe file showing a blank grey canvas

I'm getting a grey window only. Earlier my application crashed due to window not found error. I used this thread. It fixed that error, now im left with a grey w

Using Tshark in compiled python exe

I have a working python script, which uses and imports pyshark, and therefore tshark. As long as I run the code via pycharm, everything is fine. As soon as I us

Keep TopLevel window in front of main window

I created a TopLevel window that appears in front of my main window when it pops up. It works as intended when I run the program from the command line. The prob

pyinstaller cannot see configparser

I am using configparser in a python application When I run the application python it works. However if I use pyinstall to create a windows exe, the

Pyinstaller --onefile warning file already exists but should not

When running Pyinstaller --onefile, and starting the resulting .exe, multiple popups show up with the following warning: WARNING: file already exists but should

Pyinstaller Import Issues with Jinja2

There are a couple post in regards to Pyinstaller having issuing recognizing jinja2, unfortunately none have resolved my issue. Ideally if Pyinstaller supports

LSOpenURLsWithRole() failed with error -10810 for the file /Users/gb/myapp/dist/

Environment: Python 3.8 Pyqt5 Mac OS X Catalina 10.15.6 I am trying to compile my python program in Mac OS application. I get this error message when I open the

Pyinstaller failed to execute script: FileNotFoundError: No file or directory: 'C:\\Users\\etc'

I have a python file I am converting to exe via Pyinstaller. The coversion runs fine with no error, however when I run the exe file I get error in line 13 of t

After pyinstaller: ImportError: attempted relative import with no known parent package

in pretty new to the Python game and i am trying to convert my python tkinker GUI to an .exe via pyinstaller. The converting succeed if i comment out everything

Pyinstaller doesn't include django rest framework templates

I have a django app that uses rest_framework, and everything works perfectly, I am using pyinstaller to get an exe for this app, the executable app works fine,

Pyinstaller - Error loading Python DLL - FormatMessageW failed

I compiled my .py file running following commands: pyinstaller --onefile. When i run it on my pc(Windows 10) everything works just fine. When i t

Pyinstaller throwing out AssertionError

So, I had been working on this game i created using sockets and pygame, and now I wish to send it to another computer. I do not want to send the files as is, bu

Permission Error: [Errno 1] Operation Not permitted

I am trying to add some .txt files to my code in pyinstaller, but when I do pyinstaller maze.spec, I am getting a permission error. I thought a simple sudo woul

Running pyinstaller another pc with Chromedriver

I am trying to add Chromedriver inside an executable in pyinstaller. While this is possible it seems that I get the below error message when trying to run this

python requests can't find a folder with a certificate when converted to .exe

I have a program that pools ad stats from different marketing systems. Everything works fine untill i convert it to the .exe format and run it. Exception in Tk

PyInstaller executable with panda3d throws exception

I am having an issue with a program, which uses panda3d. It works perfectly when executed as a pythonscript, but the version, which is compiled (or rather packa

Pyinstaller's .exe file closes immediately

I have a working python package that's a CLI tool and I wanted to convert it into a single .exe file to upload it to other package managers so I used Pyinstalle

Pyinstaller and Django Rest

I am trying to use Pyinstaller with django rest, it generates the .exe well but there is an error at the moment of executing the .exe, the error is this Module