Category "pyqt5"

Rounded corners not shown for QPushButton in Qt Designer

I want to the corners to be rounded and hover for a QPushButton in Qt designer. Changing the style sheet has no effect. What am doing wrong? QPushButton#pus

I get "Release of profile requested but WebEnginePage still not deleted. Expect troubles !" even after calling app.exec()

I have a python code like below import sys from PyQt5 import QtWidgets, QtWebEngineWidgets from PyQt5.QtNetwork import QNetworkCookie from PyQt5.QtCore import Q

pyqt5 draggable rectangles on picture

I am very new to pyqt5 and trying to figure out how to replicate the following idea. Load an image. Draw MOVEABLE rectangle(s) on top. -- by Moveable, I mean r

How might one make a PyQt window which is avoided by other windows, like how windows avoid going on top of or below a panel?

I'd like to make a very simple PyQt5 panel, something a little like a very simple version of the MATE panel. In order for it to work as a panel, other windows o

PyQt5: How to set SameSite/Secure headers in QNetworkCookie

I have some Python code which sets a cookie like this: loader = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView() profile = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineProfile("storage", lo

Get the text and index of the current selected QTreeView item

I was wondering how I can return the text value, and index of a selected item in a QTreeView. I tried using: self.TreeView.selectedIndexes() but that returns

'pyuic5' is not recognized as an internal or external command

I am trying to convert ui file created by QTDesigner to py file. but i get the error: pyuic5 is not recognized as an internal or external command. I use anacond

Simulate the click on a button in the PyQt5 QMessageBox widget, during unittest CI

Rather than a long speech, if we run the minimum example below: $ python3 Python 3.7.6 (default, Jan 30 2020, 09:44:41) [GCC 9.2.1 20190827 (Red Hat 9.2.1-1)]

Embedd selenium browser in pyqt5 application

from selenium import webdriver from import Service from import ChromeDriverManager from selenium.webd

Error when browsing google earth using homemade browser

I used Python+pyqt+QWebEngineView to write a simple browser, but when I browse google earth, it shows Aw snap!, what is the reason? How can I improve it? I use

PyQt5 draggable frameless window

I found an example to set borders on a frameless window, however it's not draggable. How can I make a frameless window draggable? Especially if I can see an ex

Python PyQT5 WebEngine Segmentation fault Error

I wanted to create an app to download ms store app, it ran fine untill today now when i try to open the site ( pyqt5 window crashes

How to click on QMessageBox with pytest-qt?

I am creating some unit tests for a PyQt application with pytest-qt. And I would like to create open the graphical window, do some tests then close the window,

Show MyComputer in PyQt5 Tree View

I have coded out a small application using PyQt5 . The application gives a tree view of all folders in the computer : import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import

pyqtgraph axes not displaying correctly

I recently started working with PyQt5 after updating pyqt from PyQt4 to PyQt5, and have noticed a persistent error in the axis location of all plots produced wi

python add another same textedit and button

I want to make that, when I press the plus, another same form is made. The second form appeared but the first form was lost I need help when I keep the first on

QLabel with image in round shape

I want to display image with round shape in PyQt5/PySide2 application. Below is the code i tried. self.statusWidget = QLabel() img = QImage(":/image.jpg").scale

pyqt5 : don't show empty folders after filtering files with a setNameFilters

Using a QTreeView and a QListView, I want to show only usable files for a certain software. the QTreeview shows folders only and QListView show the files in fol

Click scatter plot to get the cordinate's information

I'm trying to make a GUI that displays simple scatter plot making use of PyQt5 like below. I want implement a QLabel object at the bottom of GUI that displays t

How to setPixmap on a QLabel from QCamera image

I been trying an image to a Label via setPixmap() but to no avail... In fact, i want that if i click to call the Methode def click_photo(self): to setthe image