Category "python-module"

ImportError: cannot import name 'Message' from partially initialized module 'pyrogram.types' can not import it

I am using pyrogram in a program but when i run the program it gives import error i uninstalled and reinstalled it but the problem is still there. I am not able

Python module "pyLDAvis.gensim" not found

I installed pyLDAvis and gensim modules in jupytor notebook,when i tried to use "pyLDAvis.gensim" module i am getting error as No "module named 'pyLDAvis.gensim

How to import child module which imports parent module?

I have my module structure as following: /parent -- -- /child ---- I want to import child in parent and vice versa, I.E.: /parent/init.

How to import a module from a different folder?

I have a project which I want to structure like this: myproject ├── api │ ├── │ └─&#

How to install external modules in a Python Lambda Function created by AWS CDK?

I'm using the Python AWS CDK in Cloud9 and I'm deploying a simple Lambda function that is supposed to send an API request to Atlassian's API when an Object is u

How to install a new python module on VSCode?

I'm trying to install new python modules on my computer and I know how to install through the terminal, but I wish to know if there is a way to install a new mo

Converting a python package into a single importable file

Is there a way to convert a python package, i.e. is a folder of python files, into a single file that can be copied and then directly imported into a python scr