Category "python-packaging"

my python package can be installed on my local conda env but can not be installed on other envs or systems

I have created my own python package and uploaded it in which installed and worked fine in my conda virtual environment but when I want t

How to get `setup.cfg` metadata at the command line (Python)

When you have a file, you can get the name of the package via the command: C:\some\dir>python --name And this would print the name of the

How to create my own Python package and save it on my computer

I created a package. It's a function I need to use in almost every Tkinter project of mine. It centers my Tkinter window on the screen of the user. How do I mak

Correct use of PEP 508 environment markers in setup.cfg

I am trying to make use of PEP 496 -- Environment Markers and PEP 508 -- Dependency specification for Python Software Packages by specifying dependencies that o

How to import a module from a different folder?

I have a project which I want to structure like this: myproject ├── api │ ├── │ └─&#

Is `setup.cfg` deprecated?

It's not completely clear to me, what is the status of setup.cfg. I am looking for solutions for my other question about PEP 508 environment markers, and I beca

Python 'requirements.txt' file in package

SITUATION: I have created a python package where I use the following libraries: matplotlib regex statistics os unittest coverage my problem is that when I do pi

How to access python package metadata from within the python console?

If I have built a python package employing distutils.core, e.g. via setup( ext_package="foo", author="me", version="1.0", description="foo pack