Category "python-re"

Python regex remove dots from dot separated letters

I would like to remove the dots within a word, such that a.b.c.d becomes abcd, But under some conditions: There should be at least 2 dots within the word, For e

How to replace the list of decimal numbers in a string with another list of decimal numbers?

I need to replace the list of decimal numbers in a string with another list of decimal numbers. The following is a first try, that changes all decimal numbers w

Email Verification using Python

Need help making email verifications with the variable 'pattern' and making it so that it loops if it doesn't contain whatever is within the pattern. Required t

how to use re.sub to replace matches with a series of numbers

I'm trying to remove all HTML tags from a text file and after some processing on the text , I have to put the HTML tags back in the text, So i thought maybe rep