Category "python-zipfile"

Unzipping the zipfiles within a url zipfile python

I can unzip a url zip file of csvs using the below code: import requests from zipfile import ZipFile from io import BytesIO import pandas as pd z = 'www.someur

zipfile and shutil not keeping the file exif data

I have a .zip archive and within it a single .dng image file with metadata about exposure time, etc. When unpacking this achive using either shutil.unpack_archi

How to identify whether an item inside ZipFile is a directory

Consider a zip file that contains a directory with some files inside, e.g. contents of are: Archive: Length Date Time Name

How to create a zipfile and write it to multiple directories/folders?

I have a single .txt file that I want to compress into a zipfile and write into multiple directories. This function creates a list of directories that I want to

How to fix AttributeError: 'ZipFile' object has no attribute 'seek' in this code?

My task is to take a ZIP file of images and process them, using the PIL, Tesseract, and OpenCV libraries built into Python. The files in the ZIP file are newspa

File permissions lost after unzipping with zipfile

I have extracted a zip file ( from in Ubuntu (by right

Zipfile can't open a file-like object streaming in request.raw

When I want to decompression a zipfile from internet, there is a error like zipfile.badzipfile: file is not a zip file. here is my code: response = requests.get

Python extract zipfile

I want to extract txt files from zip file to Desktop and i got it with the code below but if zip files have file which has text files, how i extract these text

How do I extract and process all the files in a zipfile?

I want to extract and process all the files in a zipped file? import re import zipfile import pathlib import pandas as pd # Download mHealth dataset def parse

How to allow extraction of all files even the ones with same name?

I'm struggling with unzip process with this code: I have two separated .zip files and each has the same file name and file type, but when I execute this code on

Python ZipFile does not compress as small as zip in terminal

I have a large amount of data I am writing to a zip file using the following code: import json from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED with ZipFile(out_path,

python zipfile error TypeError: __init__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'zipinfo'

I'm trying to zip files in a directory having certain extensions. path_to_data = askdirectory() os.chdir(path_to_data) #file_list = [os.path.basename(x) for x

Is there a way to change the name of the files extracted using zipfile in Python?

I'm trying to extract a csv file from a zip folder and choose its name as it is saved in the new directory. This code is working well to extract the file: impor

Specify Name of extracted Zipfile

for filename in FILENAMES: csv_file = filename.replace('.zip','.csv') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('.',csv_file)): print('Extracting {}'.f

How to obtain path from ZipFile objects that could be passed into OpenCV?

I would like to pass the image file into OpenCV to create a NumPy array without unzipping it. My code looks like this: zip_file = r'D:\Folder\' w

How to unzip specific subfolders of a zip archive with Python zipfile

I want to unzip particular subfolders from a list of zip archives using the zipfile module. Paths to archives are stored in a csv file with concatenated subfold

How to zip files without including the folder they are in? [duplicate]

I am trying to use zipfile to zip several files together into a single .zip file. The files I need to zip are not in the root folder from whic

Python Zipfile module is throwing errors

I'm trying to get a python Zip module to compress data. But all it's doing is throwing an error: with ZipFile(O_file7,mode='w',compression=ZipFile.ZIP_DEFLATED,

Is reading from Python zipfile thread-safe?

I have seen several differing opinions on this. I don't see anything in the latest docs (3.9.2). Can I read multiple different entries in a ZipFile safely? I ha

How do I determine whether an item in python ZipFile is dir or file?

This is my current system, which just looks to see whether there is a period in the path... but that doesn't work in all cases with ZipFile(zipdata, 'r') as