I can unzip a url zip file of csvs using the below code: import requests from zipfile import ZipFile from io import BytesIO import pandas as pd z = 'www.someur
I have a .zip archive and within it a single .dng image file with metadata about exposure time, etc. When unpacking this achive using either shutil.unpack_archi
Consider a zip file that contains a directory with some files inside, e.g. contents of sample.zip are: Archive: ziptest.zip Length Date Time Name
I have a single .txt file that I want to compress into a zipfile and write into multiple directories. This function creates a list of directories that I want to
My task is to take a ZIP file of images and process them, using the PIL, Tesseract, and OpenCV libraries built into Python. The files in the ZIP file are newspa
I have extracted a zip file (hisat2-2.2.0-Linux_x86_64.zip from https://cloud.biohpc.swmed.edu/index.php/s/hisat2-220-Linux_x86_64/download) in Ubuntu (by right
When I want to decompression a zipfile from internet, there is a error like zipfile.badzipfile: file is not a zip file. here is my code: response = requests.get
I want to extract txt files from zip file to Desktop and i got it with the code below but if zip files have file which has text files, how i extract these text
I want to extract and process all the files in a zipped file? import re import zipfile import pathlib import pandas as pd # Download mHealth dataset def parse
I'm struggling with unzip process with this code: I have two separated .zip files and each has the same file name and file type, but when I execute this code on
I have a large amount of data I am writing to a zip file using the following code: import json from zipfile import ZipFile, ZIP_DEFLATED with ZipFile(out_path,
I'm trying to zip files in a directory having certain extensions. path_to_data = askdirectory() os.chdir(path_to_data) #file_list = [os.path.basename(x) for x
I'm trying to extract a csv file from a zip folder and choose its name as it is saved in the new directory. This code is working well to extract the file: impor
for filename in FILENAMES: csv_file = filename.replace('.zip','.csv') if not os.path.exists(os.path.join('.',csv_file)): print('Extracting {}'.f
I would like to pass the image file into OpenCV to create a NumPy array without unzipping it. My code looks like this: zip_file = r'D:\Folder\small_img.zip' w
I want to unzip particular subfolders from a list of zip archives using the zipfile module. Paths to archives are stored in a csv file with concatenated subfold
I am trying to use zipfile to zip several files together into a single .zip file. The files I need to zip are not in the root folder from whic
I'm trying to get a python Zip module to compress data. But all it's doing is throwing an error: with ZipFile(O_file7,mode='w',compression=ZipFile.ZIP_DEFLATED,
I have seen several differing opinions on this. I don't see anything in the latest docs (3.9.2). Can I read multiple different entries in a ZipFile safely? I ha
This is my current system, which just looks to see whether there is a period in the path... but that doesn't work in all cases with ZipFile(zipdata, 'r') as