Category "pytorch"

Can we use one optimizer for GAN model?

I have seen lots of GAN tutorials, and all of them use two separate optimizers for Generator and Discriminator. Their code looks like this. import torch.nn as n

SHAP explainer identifies wrong framework

I want to use the SHAP-DeepInterpeter on the Braindecode Shallow_FBCSP-Model which is based on pytorch. The training and testing works perfectly fine on the mod

Variational Autoencoder KL divergence loss explodes and the model returns nan

I'm training a Conv-VAE for MRI brain images (2D slices). the output of the model is sigmoid, and the loss function binary cross-entropy: x = input, x_hat = out

Deep Reinforcement Learning - CartPole Problem

I tried to implement the most simple Deep Q Learning algorithm. I think, I've implemented it right and know that Deep Q Learning struggles with divergences but

pytorch (cpu only) on osx fails with symbol not found

I am trying to get started with PyTorch - on a mac osx computer. However, basic steps fail: from torch_sparse import coalesce, SparseTensor -------------------

Can't set attribute for Pytorch LightningModule

I am trying to import initiate a LightningModule class module, but for some reasons i unable to set hparams. However if i change the name to hparams2 it suddenl

Converting a tf.dataset to a PyTorch Dataset?

I'm working on this project where all the data comes preprocessed and ready as a tensorflow datasets which looks like this: <MapDataset shapes: {input_ids: (

Variable args and keyword only args in a function

I was going thru PyTorch and found function signatures like torch.zeros(*size, *, out=None, dtype=None, layout=torch.strided, device=None, requires_grad=False)

Detectron2 Speed up inference instance segmentation

I have working instance segmentation, I'm using "mask_rcnn_R_101_FPN_3x" model. When I inference image it takes about 3 second / image on GPU. How can I speed u

Displaying images loaded with pytorch dataloader

I am working with some lidar data images that I cannot post here due to a reputation restriction on posting images. However, when loading the same images using

Visualize Tensor [1,64,112,112] using matplotlib

I have a output tensor after convolution of dimensions [1,64,112,112]. Is there any way I can visualize this using matplotlib only, keeping in mind that imshow(

Is there really no padding=same option for PyTorch's Conv2d?

I'm currently working on building a convolutional neural network (CNN) that will work on time series data. More specifically, the data is financial data of shap

I want train a set of weight using pytorch, but the weights do not even change

I want to reproduce a method from a paper, the code in this paper was written in tensorflow1.0 and I want to rewrite it in pytorch. A brief description, I want

Load custom knowledge-graph data to pytorch geometric

I am new to PyTorch geometric and want to know how we can load our own knowledge-graph dataset into PyTorch geometric DataLoader. I have my data in the CSV file

How can one use the RemoveIsolatedNodes transform in Pytorch Geometric?

I am trying to run a graph classification problem in pytorch-geometric and I see that some of my graphs contain isolated nodes (which can cause problems). For e

Understanding the PyTorch implementation of Conv2DTranspose

I am trying to understand an example snippet that makes use of the PyTorch transposed convolution function, with documentation here, where in the docs the autho

Deploying Huggingface model for inference - pytorch-scatter issues

It's my first time with SageMaker, and I'm having issues when trying to execute this script I took from this Huggingface model (deploy tab) from sagemaker.huggi

openAI DALL-E ModuleNotFoundError

I installed DALL-E following the instructions on and got : ---> 10 from dall_e import map_pixels, unmap_pixels, loa

Can't convert cuda:0 device type tensor to numpy. Use Tensor.cpu()

My code in colab worked in January and now it doesn't. It's a Style Transfer program using pytorch ( Th

How to make Intel GPU available for processing through pytorch?

I'm using a laptop which has Intel Corporation HD Graphics 520. Does anyone know how to it set up for Deep Learning, specifically Pytorch? I have seen if you ha