Category "qt"

Speed differences between QStandardItemModel and QAbstractTableModel?

Can anyone explain the following: I have 2 scripts for loading a pandas dataframe in a tableview which has a filter field. The one with the standard model loads

Remove row from the model

There is a client (company). The client has contacts. You can link any number of contacts to a specific client. Let's say you open the client you need. Then you

QWebEngineView SOCKS5 proxy with authorization

Is there any way to make QWebEngineView work with SOCKS5 with authorization? I tried connecting QWebEnginePage::proxyAuthenticationRequired signal to my slot, b

QProcess does not signal stdout ready

When I launch xfreerdp process out of shell, it prints INFO messages to stdout and WARN/ERROR messages to stderr, as expected (this is just the default /log-lev

QProcess does not work if the path in argument list has a whitespace

I want to execute following command using QProcess, that works in cmd already if executed: C:\\myApplication\\tools\\dcmodify.exe -v -ie -gin -nb -ma (0010,0010

Qt for android: project error cannot run target compiler

I compile for the first time "" from Qt for android examples. I installed sdk manager from android studio, all my android setup are well co

Dynamic height of tableviewcolumn according to text length

hello I have the following problem I am working with qt quick control 1.4 because the tableview of 2.15 does not adapt correctly as I would like; the table over

Build error in Qt Creator in release but not in debug

I'm working with Qt 5.15.2 in Qt Creator 6.0.2. I have a program that uses a .lib file which was built in both debug (_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL = 0) and release (_I

[C++][ QT ] is not meant to be copied. Pass it by move instead

I am a beginner in C++. And I don't understand this error. I just need you to explain me. I try to show a .sqlite database in a QTableview. The problem come fro

PySide6: How to remove spacing between buttons in QHBoxLayout?

How can I remove the spacing between buttons after fixing their size? A space is added whenever I set the button's size. I tried setSpacing but it does not work

How me get acces ui from another class?

I have a database in a separate widget class datbase.ui that I insert as tab in mainwindow.ui. I want that when initializing the connection in the class datbase

How to add functionality to widgets (PyQt5 ) in separate .py

I'm struggling to understand the general structure of how to work with PyQt. I want to have my main file class MainWindow(qtw.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *

Qt allow dock widget to overlay

How could I allow a dock widget to be over other widgets? I would like to get a result like the tool bar of a IDE such as VSC or PyCharm. The bar can be resized

QByteArray from hex literal unicode characters

I see how a QByteArray to convert to and from Ascii character I see how to convert a QString to utf-8 using QString::toUtf8() However, I do not see how to initi

Build specific modules in Qt6 (i.e. QtMqtt)

For a project which uses MQTT, I always had to compile the QtMqtt module from source, because it wasn't included in the prebuilt windows release and couldn't be

symbol lookup error after updating Qt package

I recently updated all Qt packages from Pacman(Arch Linux). After updating I am getting system lookup errors after executing any python code. python: symbol

WebEngineView getting text input focus

How can I detect focus on the text field (input) on the webpage displayed using QML WebEngineView? I need this information to display/hide the virtual keyboard.

Setting background on Qtableview using a function

IU have a Qt window with a button and a QTableView which loads some data from a pandas dataframe using the QAbstractTableModel. I would like to set the backgrou

how to compile and then create lib file QtpropertBrowser

how to compile and then create lib file QtpropertBrowser. I want to add this library on my project. this library .

How to translate standard buttons in Qt?

I have a problem with translate standard buttons in QMessageBox. If I check the language, the buttons are translated very well, but if I don't check the languag