Category "query-builder"

Inserting the current date doctrine

I have created a symfony project and am having a date issue. I would like to make a request which inserts the current date in the database. In my entity my fiel

Laravel efficient way to remove X records if there are duplicates

I'm trying to write a query to be able to find duplicate records based on a column called hash and remove all but the 5 newest records, I figured I could use th

TypeORM: how to load relations with CreateQueryBuilder, without using JOINs?

I'm developing an API using NestJS & TypeORM to fetch data from a MySQL DB. Currently I'm trying to get all the instances of an entity (HearingTonalTestPage

How can I restrict certain entities from my queryBuilder?

I'm trying to use a queryBuilder to get some users who did NOT have an appointment with subject 'PC' ("Prise de Contact"). and fit certain criteria of appointme

How to build query from SQL by Doctrine QueryBuilder?

I'm new in Doctrine ORM, and I need help with building QueryBuilder command. I have a SQL command and I need covert to QueryBuilder. $qb = $this->entityManag

Codeigniter changes with `count_all_results`

So... it appears as if overnight, SOME-thing has changed with either the Codeigniter 4 framework or PHP in general, as my website is now down - and it seems to

Updating Multiple Records with varying conditions in a single query

With Typeorm + NestJS + Postgres is there a way to update multiple records with varying conditions and varying values in a single query. Normally I could do awa

Laravel Eloquent vs DB facade: Why use Eloquent and decrease performance? [closed]

I did some performance tests between Laravel's DB facade query builder and Laravel's Eloquent ORM. The DB facade was much faster than Eloquent

I want to make where clause inside to select DB::raw in laravel

I have two tables biodata_wni and demographics, I want to count data where column akta_kwn in biodata_wni has value 1 and also the count of akta_kwn in biodata_