Category "qwidget"

Looking for the correct Qt5 mechanism to create an identical sized QGridLayout using a custom widget in the grid

So,I'm trying to build a small app that watches my MQTT server for messages and presents a widget with the MQTT JSON content for every message it sees. The logi

pyqt5 - update a dynamically created widget with its corresponding data

I have created a tool with help of a custom widget. This widget fits into the main window like so. User can create new instances of custom widget with a click

After upgrading PySide6 gives error No module named 'PySide6.QtWidgets'

After upgrading to PySide6.3.0 getting error ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PySide6.QtWidgets' source import sys from PySide6.QtWidgets import QApplicati

Change page of QstackedWidget with animation

I want to be able to change page of QStackedWidget with some kind of animation (like fade in/out or others...) after some research I find out maybe its possible