Category "r-markdown"

Plot on the next slide

I am preparing some slides in RMarkdown, and I need to plot the code on one slide and the plot on the next one, so I frequently find myself doing something on t

How to render output of stargazer in Rstudio's source pane?

First of all let me say that when I knit a full document that the output of stargazer is as expected. What I'd like to do is render it in my source pane under

Keyboard shortcut for code chunk in R Markdown for windows gives í

Using RStudio for windows. Help says keyboard shortcut for inserting code chunk is Ctrl + Alt + i, which should give me: ```{r} ``` Instead, I get í

R package stargazer produces two table outputs instead of one

I'm currently struggling with r markdown, knitr, and, the stargazer package. More specifically, I want to produce the output of a logistic regression: {r table1

Figure captions with multiple plots in one chunk

I label my figures like this. --- title: "xxx" output: pdf_document: fig_caption: true --- And then in each chunk ```{r, fig.cap="some caption"} qplo

Insert the number of slides up to a final slide in a rmarkdown::beamer_presentation

In a beamer presentation generated with rmarkdown::beamer_presentation, I currently have \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber which shows the current page

Call R object from Python with r. in a Quarto document

I try to call an R object from Python inside a Quarto document: --- title: "pandas" format: html jupyter: python3 --- ```{r} data("penguins", package = "palmer

apa_table() increase table width

How do I increase the width of an apa_table in R Markdown. I'm using the papaja package. I would like the width to be long enough to fit the table's title. This

Adding a letter to all table numbers in RMarkdown

I'm using RMarkdown to create Supplementary documents for a paper. These supplements contain many tables. Let's call these documents Supplement A and Supplement

R markdown to PDF - Printing console output

I am working in RStudio for a course, and I want to write up my reports with R markdown. I would like to display certain console output in the pdf that will be

Duplicated title page in r-markdown beamer presentation

Im trying to include a title page customized in latex in my r markdown beamer presentation, but im getting two title pages in the output: one generated by R mar

Pandoc cannot find image path referenced in external HTML file pulled into R Markdown, despite using here() package

I am producing an HTML document through R Markdown, which uses a few external HTML documents for headers and footers. I am also using the here() package to allo

Failed to compile test.tex. See for debugging tips. See test.log for more info. Execution halted

output file: ! pdflatex: warning: running with administrator privileges ! Sorry, but C:\Users\jjw11\AppData\Local\Programs\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\

Push an R dataframe to SQL as a new table

I'm trying to make my analysis workflow more efficient connecting my SQL Server Database to R-Studio. What I do now? I develop my queries using MS SQL Managem

knitr/rmarkdown/Latex: How to cross-reference figures and tables?

I'm trying to cross-reference figures and tables in a PDF produced with knitr/rmarkdown. There are some questions on SO and tex.stackexchange (here and here, fo

Beamer and Table of Content in RMarkdown

Today I started studying Rmarkdown + Beamer. I have a problem creating the table of contents. I create this way: --- title: "Beamer" author: "Me" date: "08/08

Include latex package option before documentclass in RMarkdown beamer presentation

I am trying to compile the following beamer presentation in rmarkdown. But when it tries to render rmarkdown document an error occurs ! LaTeX Error: Option cla