As the minimal reproducible example below shows, plot 2 appears too late. How can I fix this? It seems, the message screws everthing up. Most likely related: th
I am having a problem rendering more than one trelliscopejs displays in an html file created with Rmarkdown. I'm using self_contained=TRUE in order to render di
So I recently finished my R notebook, and noticed something once i decided to knit the markdown file. None of the headings or bullet points were working! I had
I am creating a RMarkdown template of Beamer slides and use the metropolis theme as a basis. This already includes: Numbered TOC Hiding of footer on title page
Problem description I am having to use Anaconda on Windows, and am trying to write an RMarkdown document, knitted into a pdf, where within the RMarkdown I am us
I'm trying to use the entire page width when rendering an R markdown document using rmdformats::readthedown. First, you can see that it isn't a problem using on
I am preparing some slides in RMarkdown, and I need to plot the code on one slide and the plot on the next one, so I frequently find myself doing something on t
First of all let me say that when I knit a full document that the output of stargazer is as expected. What I'd like to do is render it in my source pane under
Using RStudio for windows. Help says keyboard shortcut for inserting code chunk is Ctrl + Alt + i, which should give me: ```{r} ``` Instead, I get í
I'm currently struggling with r markdown, knitr, and, the stargazer package. More specifically, I want to produce the output of a logistic regression: {r table1
I label my figures like this. --- title: "xxx" output: pdf_document: fig_caption: true --- And then in each chunk ```{r, fig.cap="some caption"} qplo
In a beamer presentation generated with rmarkdown::beamer_presentation, I currently have \insertframenumber/\inserttotalframenumber which shows the current page
I try to call an R object from Python inside a Quarto document: --- title: "pandas" format: html jupyter: python3 --- ```{r} data("penguins", package = "palmer
How do I increase the width of an apa_table in R Markdown. I'm using the papaja package. I would like the width to be long enough to fit the table's title. This
I'm using RMarkdown to create Supplementary documents for a paper. These supplements contain many tables. Let's call these documents Supplement A and Supplement
I am working in RStudio for a course, and I want to write up my reports with R markdown. I would like to display certain console output in the pdf that will be
Im trying to include a title page customized in latex in my r markdown beamer presentation, but im getting two title pages in the output: one generated by R mar
I am producing an HTML document through R Markdown, which uses a few external HTML documents for headers and footers. I am also using the here() package to allo
output file: ! pdflatex: warning: running with administrator privileges ! Sorry, but C:\Users\jjw11\AppData\Local\Programs\MIKTEX~1.9\miktex\bin\
I'm trying to make my analysis workflow more efficient connecting my SQL Server Database to R-Studio. What I do now? I develop my queries using MS SQL Managem