As I explained in previous posts I'm trying to count observations over 30 days windows grouping by id. The data: df<-structure(list(id=c(1,1,1,2),date=c("200
In today's episode of total despair we're going to try and define the phylogenetic signal for a bunch of traits. The tricky part is that the data frame consists
I have this list of ~270'000 elements with each element having a length of either 165 or 166. What I would like is to isolate into a separate dataset those elem
Now updated with the code for the data frame - Thanks for the tip! structure(list(id = c(5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 5L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L, 6L), date = c("2022-03-03"
I have an igraph network of 169 nodes (neighbourhoods). I've added some vertices attributes using: V(g)$attribute. I'm going to study the impact of the geogra
I'm trying to get a summary plot using fastshap explain function as in the code below. p_function_G<- function(object, newdata) caret::predict.train(object
I am having difficulty finding the words to describe what I am searching for but will try. I would like to solve the following using R or Python (but preferably
I've tried for several days on something I think should be rather simple, with no luck. Hope someone can help me! I have a data frame called "test" with the fol
I draw a forest plot with non-default annosym values: res <- rma(ai=tpos, bi=tneg, ci=cpos, di=cneg,, measure = 'OR', method='DL', slab=p
Question In R, can I used a vector that holds the names of data frame columns to avoid repeated code? vec_columns <- c("col1", "col2", "col8", "col54") Bac
Given the following data, I compose a data frame with a factor and a numeric column. X2 <- c(4,4,3,5,4,4,2,3,4,3,5,5,4,3,3,4,2,3,3,4,3,5,3,3,4,4,3,3,5,4,5,4,
I am using Rstudio server on a remote server and I have some packages already installed. When I try to load libraries like raster or terra using Rstudio server,
I am trying to use clickElements() from the RSelenium package in order to drop down all of the downwards facing arrows in the "distrito" dropdown panel. I can d
I am running the following case_when inside a dplyr chain: open_flag = case_when ( open_flag == 0 & (click_flag > 0 | mirror_flag > 0) ~ 1, TRUE ~
here my reproducible example mydat=structure(list(supplier = c("TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP", "TKP",
I've been looking for a way to download all transaction from a specific contract since their start up until now. It's around 25k transactions as of today. I've
This is similar to this. However what I'm interested is to calculate the percentage for every column. So for example when I do the below I can calculate column
For the unique pair of ID, if both corresponding rows are 0, I need to remove them. In this case, remove row #5 and #6 but not row #7 and #8. tmt.pair <- c("
How can I implement the use of a pool object in an R Shiny application structured like a package? I have structured my package according to the layout described
I'm trying to clusterize a set of journals by descriptors and I've been thinking of turning descriptors into a binary vector instead of using string distances (