Category "rabbitmq"

Dramatiq worker getting killed every often

I have started a dramatiq worker to do some task and after a point, it is just stuck and throws this below-mentioned error after some time. [MainThread] [dramat

RabbitMQ ignore config "heartbeat" rule

RabbitMQ 3.10.1 rabbitmq-diagnostics status ... Config files * /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config ... rabbitmq.config: [ {rabbit, [ {heartbeat, 90}

rabbitMQ sender with node-red

I am trying to connect node-red with rabbitMQ. The program will recive a text with the diet that the AI chose for each day. I made the rabbitMQ Configure java f

MySQL Database Manager with RabbitMQ

I'm new to message brokers like RabbitMQ and I have to develop an application with RabbitMQ that interfaces with MySQL, so the final task is to create a MySQL D

How to know list of servers that is consuming queue in rabbitmq?

I checked the connections tab and I cannot see the queues consumed by the servers. I also checked the queues tab and I cannot see the servers consuming the queu

RabbitMQ - Diff between 'delivery-limit' and 'x-delivery-limit' queue arguments

What is the difference between delivery-limit and x-delivery-limit? When I set the x-delivery-limit as RabbitMQ queue argument I can see it is limiting my messa

Can you import a NestJS module on condition

I'am creating a microservice in NestJS. Now I want to use RabbitMQ to send messages to another service. My question is: is it possible to import the RabbitmqMod

Can you import a NestJS module on condition

I'am creating a microservice in NestJS. Now I want to use RabbitMQ to send messages to another service. My question is: is it possible to import the RabbitmqMod

Spring AMQP - RabbitMQ connection is not created on application startup

I have a Spring Boot application and my goal is to declare queues, exchanges, and bindings on application startup. The application will produce messages to vari

Problems with RabbitMQ and NestJS. I can't publish a message with nestjs-rabbitmq and NestJS

I have NestJS 8.0.0 and I'm using @golevelup/nestjs-rabbitmq": "2.2.0. Basically I have handling messages working fine but I can't send any, I just get a "Canno

NestJS microservices error with "No matching message handler"

I'm building an application with microservices communicating through RabbitMQ (request-response pattern). Everything works fine but still I have a problem with

How to propagate context between two services communicating via rabbitmq in opentelemetry?

I am trying to find a way to propagate context between two services communicating via rabbitmq in opentelemetry. There was an article for doing similar in Go ar

Systemd consumer service starts before broker (RabbitMQ )

I have a RabbitMQ server set up on my raspberry Pi and I want the same device to run a consumer to handle messages to one of my queues. I first tried executing

Can I send/receive Java objects to RabbitMQ using Java built-in IO classes instead of Spring AMQP?

I need to send/receive Java POJOs to/from RabbitMQ. There is a ready solution with Spring AMQP, but I've managed to do it with built-in* (serialize POJ

How to extract data using JMeter and AMQP Consumer?

i am using plugin JMeter-Rabbit-AMQP. I don't understand how to extract data from consumer. I publish, and a response is returned to another queue that my consu

Can we connect RabbitMq directly from Angular Application

In my current Angular project , have requirement to connect RabbitMq server queue. I have tried amqp, amqp-ts npm librarires but those are node applications. ca

Callback or event/delegate from C# core rest api BackgroundService

I´m currently working on a C# core 5.0 REST API with a RabbitMQ messagebus. I´ve created a class that derives from BackgroundService and the consume

Openstack install fail on RabbitMQ - Centos8

I am following this post to install Packstack on my Centos8 server. Everything goes fine until I reach this install step - "packstack --answer-file /root/openst

RabbitMQ doesn't show me the queues and exchange created in my Spring consumer and publisher apps

I am trying to create a publisher and consumer apps in spring using RabbitMQ. Every thing works fine and when the publisher sends a message, the consumer receiv

RabbitMQ doesn't show me the queues and exchange created in my Spring consumer and publisher apps

I am trying to create a publisher and consumer apps in spring using RabbitMQ. Every thing works fine and when the publisher sends a message, the consumer receiv