Category "racket"

How `set!` works in Racket when working with continuations?

I have this code working code based on an example from wikipedia (define (foo5) (define (control-state return) (define-syntax-rule (yield x)

Trying to define a Racket function salutation by taking first/last name & greeting while first letter of each word is capital and rest is lowercase

I am currently stuck here and do not know how to include the part where each first letter of each word has to be uppercase and the rest has to be lowercase. Oth

Convert a string to list

Calling all racket developers, I am a newbie in the language of racket. I want to convert a string to a list. I have a string like this: "(1 2 3 4 5)" I wa

racket to-string function for integer and string

Need to write a to-string function that accepts integer and string. (to-string 3) ; -> "3" (to-string "hello") ; -> "\"hello\"" (to-string "hel\"lo") ; -

How do you get the helpful tools in DrRacket?

My brother wanted to introduce me to lisp languages, so he showed me DrRacket on his computer. Everything looked awesome, including arrows that point to where a

Duplicate things a specific number of times in racket

I'm trying to write a program that takes in a phrase and a number (n) and returns a list that contains the phrase repeated n times. What I have so far looks lik

removing last element of a list(scheme)

So I have to remove the last element of a list in scheme. For example, let's say I have a list (1 2 3 4). I need to return: (1 2 3) My idea: reverse(list)