Category "raku"

How do I remove particular sets of characters and not others?

As a consequence of botched character decoding, I have a set of titles that look like this, with special characters followed by other characters like ñ t

Why are Bench module's "wallclock" seconds report so wildly off?

I'm benchmarking this code: use Bench; my $b =; say 'start'; my $i=0; $b.timethese(100000, { first => sub { while $i++ < 10000 { } },

Raku list addition operator `Z+` 'fails' unless one of the lists is forced

I'm struggling to understand why the zip-add Z+ operator does not work on some cases. I have some 2-element lists that I'd like to sum. These work as expected w

Raku array will not sort

I'm trying to sort a list/array of strings: > my @e = Q (list_regex_files json_file_to_ref write_2d_array_to_tex_tabular dir get_sample_ID density_scatterplo

Extracting from .bib file with Raku (previously aka Perl 6)

I have this .bib file for reference management while writing my thesis in LaTeX: @article{garg2017patch, title={Patch testing in patients with suspected cosm

General approach to modifying an array while looping through it

Is it safe in Perl6 (as opposed to perl5 or other languages) to loop through an array while modifying it? For instance, if I have an array of websites to downlo