Category "ranking"

Python 3.7: xgboost.core.XGBoostError

I am new to Python and Iam getting this error when running xgBoost: xgboost.core.XGBoostError: [15:49:05] C:/Users/Administrator/workspace/xgboost-win64_release

Excluding null Value from Top 5 Rank but Including in Total

So this is a one I have been cracking my head because I know there has to be a way. I have a Top 10 Country column ranked based on sales. Unfortunately in my da

Visual representation of a Ranking over time (image provided)

The graph below shows a ranking of countries at 10 different points. The cool thing with this graph is that it allows you to track changes in the ranking over t

How to use gensim BM25 ranking in python

I found gensim has BM25 ranking function. However, i cannot find the tutorial how to use it. In my case, I had one query. a few documents which were retrieve

What string similarity algorithms are there?

I need to compare 2 strings and calculate their similarity, to filter down a list of the most similar strings. e.g. searching for "dog" would return dog doggone