Category "raspberry-pi"

Turn on/off local wifi device with bash script

I have a raspberry pi in my local wifi network. Also I bought smart socket which can be integrated with Alexa or Google Home Assistant. What is a best option t

Raspberry Pi - fbi process blocking Teamviewer

I might have a rare case, but at the moment I'm not able to find a solution for this problem. I've installed a RaspberryPi 3 in a local business to display imag

What's the right cmake command to cross-compile for Raspberry Pi from M1 Mac?

My title seems general but I need to compile a project for my Raspberry Pi 3b. I want to use Telegram's Bot API server on it, but it takes a lot of time to comp

Raspberry Pi SSH permission denied

I went through existing threads and was unable to find a solution for my issue. I am using Raspberry Pi 2 model B and am able to use it by connecting to Displ

How to build ffmpeg with hardware decoding support for raspberry pi? (cross compilation if possible)

Is it possible to build ffmpeg with decoding support for Raspberry Pi? I've read that mmal can do hardware accelerated decoding on the Raspberry Pi. I've tried

How do I use the data from subscribe part (mqtt)

I am now doing a robot and I use mqtt to communicate between raspi and computer. Now, I want to use the string I have published from the computer. but I don't k

Cannot install mediapipe package in Pycharm terminal or Package installer

I am trying to use Mediapipe with python. I originally tried mediapipe-rpi4 which did install successfully. But when I run it I get this error message Traceback

ImportError: No module named 'board' (AdaFruit)

I run the setup from this website to get my arduino to use AdaFruit LEDs. And also run: sudo pip3 install adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel I then made this py

GStreamer warning when running OpenCV on Ubuntu

I'm trying to get a script running on my raspberry pi (Ubuntu system). Right now, I was just refreshing myself on the basics of opencv, since it's been a little

python raspberry camera settings for night

I have here my perfect setup for my raspberry video. raspivid -fps 25 -sh 0 -co 50 -br 50 -sa 0 -ISO 800 -ev +2 -ex auto -awb auto -mm average -n -b 2000000 -w

Pi4j to use java with raspberry Pi not working

I am honestly about to just give up, i've tried so many different possibilities, for multiple weeks now, almost a month, of multiple problems. I am a new-ish pr

Makefile won't compile anything other than "kernel.c"

I've been trying to compile an OS however whenever I attempt to compile it using the make file it only compiles "kernel.c" and I can't seem to figure out why. I

GPIO-Input on raspberry

I try to program a timer: run down from 15 to 0 Space breaks/reset the timer Space starts the timer. Everyting works with keyboard. But I try to use the Raspber

How to set up Raspberry Pi 4B as a I2C slave

I'm trying to set up a RPi 4B to work as an I2C slave with PSoC (4.4) - CY8C5888LTI-LP097. Below is my code to set up the slave address on the Pi. import pigpio

Run python script from HTML button

I have a code to display the live camera footage on a HTML and I would like to have a button that allows users to ring the rpi buzzer. However, the buzzer butto

Terminate sudo python script when the terminal closes

How can I tell if the terminal running my python script was closed? I want to safely end my python script if the user closes the terminal. I can catch SIGHUP wi

ALSA - Retrieving audio buffer timestamps

I have a simple C program that plays audio using the ALSA APIs and I wish to know the precise timing of the audio buffers. I am attempting to retrieve the time

4G USB Dongle Auto Reconnect / Auto Recover

I have a Raspberry Pi with a 4G USB dongle connected to it for internet access. Everything works on power-up, everything auto-connects and connectivity is estab

I'm getting an error importerror /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version glibc_2.29' not found what should I do?

While I run my python code in raspberry pi 3b+ I'm getting: importerror /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version glibc_2.29' not found error what should I

Chromium Auto Refresh command line

Using a digital signage setup on my raspberry pi with raspian OS. Currently have the webpage displayed and full screen however, after 20 minutes it stops reload