Category "raspbian"

Raspberry Pi / Remote Desktop, "connection problem, giving up"

I have three new Raspberry Pis running this OS: PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="11" VERSION="11 (bullseye)"

Pycharm Linux "cannot open Local Terminal"

I've been digging through the internet forever trying to find how to fix this issue on opening the terminal in Pycharm. Everything is either for Windows "cmd.ex

Openvas Setup Won't connect to

I'm a beginner here, I'm using a raspberry pi-4 running raspian OS. I'm trying to run sudo openvas-setup but it just fails to connect to over a

Pyton2.7 GTK webkit enable hardware acceleration

I'm working on some python2.7 widgets for a Digital signage using GTK and webkit and I was wondering How can I enable 2d hardware acceleration? I'm running Rasp

gcc cross compiling for raspberry pi /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ version `GLIBC_2.34' not found

On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, I'm cross-compiling for raspberry pi. When I run any built executable on the pi, I get this linking error: /lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/

Chromium Auto Refresh command line

Using a digital signage setup on my raspberry pi with raspian OS. Currently have the webpage displayed and full screen however, after 20 minutes it stops reload

Running AWS CloudWatch logs agent on Raspberry Pi 4

Has anybody successfully run the AWS CloudWatch Logs Agent on a Raspberry Pi 4? When I run the script below, it appears to work, but the awslogs.service does no

Failed compile delegate Raspbian

i trying to compile the latest ver of Delegate on my rpi3 with this tuto (i use raspbian): but i have