Category "rasterio"

rasterio.plot.show_hist - How to change / modify x_label, y_label?

By default, rasterio.plot.show_hist(...) sets the histogram title to "Histogram", x_label to "DN" (for Digital Number) and y_label to "Frequency". There is a pa

Load raster from bytestream and set its CRS

What I want to do : load a raster from an s3 bucket in memory and set its CRS to 4326 (it has no crs set) What I have so far: import boto3 import rasterio from

GeoDataFrame is Inverted when I converted from Raster to Vector using RasterIO

I'm currently using this code to convert a raster file to a geodataframe: import rasterio from rasterio.features import shapes mask = None with

how to solve rasterio installation problem

When i install rasterio library i get this type of error mentioned below. How to overcome it? Can anyone help me with full procedure. Though i follow the inst