Category "ray"

Docker-compose file of Airflow with DaskExecutor

Can someone provide a YAML file of the same mentioned above? I need it for a project. I am trying to execute my tasks parallelly on each core of the workers, as

python parallel processing running all tasks on one core - multiprocessing, ray

I have a model.predict()-method and 65536 rows of data which takes about 7 seconds to perform. I wanted to speed this up using the joblib.parallel_backend tooli

GPU memory is empty, but CUDA out of memory error occurs

During training this code with ray tune(1 gpu for 1 trial), after few hours of training (about 20 trials) CUDA out of memory error occurred from GPU:0,1. And ev

Python Ray has issues with ArcPy (ArcGIS Pro)

I'm working on a large-size Vehicle Routing Problems using ArcGIS. As my problem has large number of non-overlapping vehicle routing zones, I have decided to us