Category "raycasting"

Do a Raycast after Raycast-positioned object

I have a code that allows to position an object onto the other object by Raycast. Obviously, I am using Mesh Collider so everything works fine. Ray ray = new Ra

Unity Physics2D.BoxCast() can not find GameObject on specific layer

I have a huge problem with the BoxCast method in Unity. I'm trying to get information if there is any GameObject under the player that is on a specific layer bu

Physics.Raycast Grounddrag system not working

I'm trying to implement a unity FPS Rigid body movement controller into my Unity 3d project. However I cannot seem to add drag to my player. I've been trying to

Shoot raycast on reflect direction

I'm creating a pool game. And I want to shoot Raycast on the reflect direction so I can draw LineRenderer on it. Main Cue Ball Script: using System.Collect

SceneKit- Cannot query using bitmask

We were able to have custom raycasting using bitmasks: let hitTest = sceneView.hitTest(location, options: [categoryBitMask: bitmask]) But hitTest is deprecated

Fix warp in recaster (lua)

function RENDER_RAY(plr,rayNumber,Ray_Distance,RayAmount,rayAngle) local theta = plr.angle - FOV/2 local diss = Ray_Distance * math.cos(math.rad(theta -

'hitTest()' was Depecrated in iOS 14.0

I'm new to this and currently building an AR-related application, on the old version I stated this let results = self.hitTest(screenPosition, types: [.featurePo

Using Layers and Bitmask with Raycast in Unity

Unity's Raycast functions has a parameter you could use to raycast to a particular GameObject. You can also use that parameter to ignore particular GameObject.

How do I implement a raycast / laserpointer to Oculus controller?

I want to implement a graphic raycaster/ laserpointer to the left Oculus controller, so I can interact with UI buttons in Unity. I have seen a lot of tutorials