Converting XML to RDF using OpenRefine with the RDF-extension. Here's a sample record in OR. I've been looking for a way to handle repeated occurrences, in thi
I want to load the wikidata ontology in stardog studio to produce a larger subgraph by extracting the subgraphs of some relevant books, birthplace, education in
For every sosa:FeatureOfInterest (room), get the lowest temperature per day from the associated sensors for that room. There are 100 rooms. Each room has 3 sens
I am using Python and the RDFLib library and I want to perform an HTTPS connection to a SPARQL endpoint such as Amazon Nepute (HTTPS is mandatory) and perform a
I am using rdflib to convert text files into n3 files for the purpose of saving bus station locations (GTFS).For example if we had latitude=8.0, longitude=5.0,
The WCAT W3C page is based in part on the RDF serialization of the DCAT RDF What is the too