Category "react-bootstrap-table"

react-bootstrap-table warning each child in a list should have a unique "key" prop

I'm building an app and while the code works, I'm trying to eliminate a persistent warning message with little success. I consistently get: Warning: Each child

React Bootstrap table 2 search issue

We are using a React-bootstrap-table for the table and we are facing an issue in searching the data in the table while using pagination it searches data only fo

IntelliJ reporting typescript error for react-bootstrap-table-next

I'm using react-bootstrap-table-next (aka react-bootstrap-table2). I'm getting a Typescript error in IntelliJ on the validator field in my column definition. I

ExportCSV using react-bootstrap-table-2

I'm trying to trigger my exportCSV from a different component outside of the TookkilProvider... is that possible? I did see some reference to this.refs.table.ha

Can we export a react bootstrap data table to Excel instead of CSV?

I have a requirement to export data into Excel instead of CSV. Is there any possible way we can achieve this feature using the react-bootstrap-table?

How to dynamically disable a row's checkbox in react-bootstrap-table2?

I want to achieve something that is in my current sandbox: Currently I've hardcoded the nonSelectable: [1, 2] so it will make row 1 and 2 unselectable. Now I w

Adding serial number to the react bootstrap table

I am using a React-bootstrap table in my project, I want to add a column in my table with a serial number but am unable to generate the serial number so kindly

How to hide data rows with certain value with a button?

I use react-bootstrap-table-next. And want to use a toggle button which hide or show rows with a certain value. But the problem is that the table content doesn'

Adding ", " after each item in a list using React Bootstrap Table

I am having problems properly displaying a list of items that is returned from the API using the react-bootstrap-table library. The returned json is structured

Dropdown options not working in React-Bootstrap-Table

I'm trying to implement a dropdown options when clicking on the ellipsis. When I click on the ellipsis button, it will show a dropdown with Edit and maybe other

How do I edit an array inside a cell in my React-bootstrap table?

As shown in the link below. I have an array inside a cell, when a click on those cell to edit them, they turns to [object, object] instead of their default valu

Modal always re-rendering when typing in input for React-Bootstrap-Table2

I'm trying to implement an 'Edit Category' modal that can edit the current selected row in React-Bootstrap-Table2. However, when I tried to type in Category Des

react-bootstrap-table-toolkit Search Import Error

I wanted to use React Bootstrap Table in my project and I'm getting the following error. Uncaught ReferenceError: arguments is not defined at Object../node_mod

How to pass row data to a child component created into a format function

I have a react-bootstrap table with column defined like this: const columns = [ ... { dataField: "d", text: "Actions", formatter: ac

react-bootstrap-table2 expandable filter row

I am using react-bootstrap-table2 with filter functionality which is working fine <BootstrapTable keyField="id" data={filteredData} columns={TABLE_H

Uncaught Error: Objects are not valid as a React child while using react-bootstrap-table-next

I have a React component where I am trying to render a table using the react-bootstrap-table-next library. I'm getting an error: Uncaught Error: Objects are no

How to add Horizontal Scrollbar in a React Bootstrap Table?

I am using React Bootstrap Table and I want to add Horizontal Scrollbar only to the last two columns. Last two columns should be wrapped in a scrollable contai

Fixed Table Header React-Bootstrap-Table-Next

I'm having issues making my table header fixed when scrolling. My React Table: <div className="Rules-Container"> <BootstrapTable striped